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Q: What is a small flap of tissue automatically closes over you windpipe?
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Related questions

What is the length of the epiglottis?

The epiglottis is very short, and fits right over the esophagus. It is a small flap of flexible cartilage tissue that protects the windpipe.

What is the small flap that seals of the trachea called?

This smalflap of tissue is known as the epiglottis. It blocks the trachea (windpipe) during the swallowing of food andliquids.

Is a small piece of twizzler in your windpipe bad?

It can be if it rotts or falls into your bronchi.

Which is the name of the small flap of tissue that seals your trachea after swallowing?

It's called the epiglottis. It closes over the bronchial tube (which leads to the lungs) to prevent food being inhaled instead of swallowed.

Which is odd one in rectum small intestine windpipe mouth organs of digestion?

The windpipe (trachea) is the odd one, as it isn't part of the digestive system. The rest of the organs are digestive organs.

What keeps food from coming down a windpipe?

A small muscle in the back of your throat called the epiglotis.

What stops food entering the lungs?

The epiglottis normally keeps this from happening.* How The Epiglottis Works:When you swallow, a small flap - called the epiglottis - briefly covers the top of the windpipe (or trachea) so that food goes the right way, into the digestive system, and not the wrong way, into the respiratory tract.The flap can't stay down all the time, or you would not be able to breathe! Sometimes a little food or liquid does get into the windpipe - perhaps if you ingest it very quickly - and that's when you cough to get it out again.When you swallow, the epiglottis should automatically cover the windpipe, so swallowing is a good way to suppress a cough if you are somewhere where you don't want to make a noise...

What is in the gut?

salivary galnds,windpipe, gullet, stomach, small intestine, large intestineand rectum. - i think?

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What is the nearest relative of small dinosaurs?

The closes living relatives to all dinosaurs large and small are birds.

How does a comb pick up tissue?

the static of the comb will pull the tissue up but the pieces have to be small and when i say small i mean very small

The flap that covers the trachea?

the small flap is called the Epiglottis :)