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Q: What is a small space at the entrance of a canal?
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What city is located near the southeast entrance to the Panama Canal?

The city of Colon is the entrance to the Panama Canal. It lies at the northern most end of the canal.

Is the longitude of the Panama Canal's Caribbean outlet farther west than the longitude of the waterway's Pacific Ocean outlet?

Yes, you are farther west at the Carribbean entrance (Atlantic Ocean) than you are when you arrive at the Pacific entrance to the Canal and the canal operates on fresh water. Sidney Waits

What major city sits at the northern entrance of the Suez canal?

Port Said.

Which bone contains canaliculi?

canaliculus is a small channel or canal, as in bones, where they connect to lacunae. Lacuna is a small shallow space in the bones in which the osteocytes lie.

Which is further east the pacific ocean entrance to the panama canal or the Atlantic ocean entrance?

While the Pacific Ocean is west of the isthmus and the Atlantic to the east, the direction of the 8- to 10-hour canal passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic is from southeast to northwest. This is because of an anomaly in the shape of the isthmus at the point the canal occupies. The answer is Pacific.

What is the space between the dura mater and wall of the vertebral canal?

epidural space

Are lakes bigger than canal?

it matters on how bigger or small the canal is

Longest part of alimentary canal?

The small intestines is the longest organ in the alimentary canal.

What is the vestibule?

a space or cavity at the entrance to another structure.

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What is the portion of the canal between the esophagus and small intestine?

alimentary canal