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canaliculus is a small channel or canal, as in bones, where they connect to lacunae. Lacuna is a small shallow space in the bones in which the osteocytes lie.

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It takes the fat from your bone and transports it to the stomach

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Q: Which bone contains canaliculi
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What are the little canals that connect areas of bone cells?

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What type of bone cells have processes that lie in the canaliculi

In which connective tissue are the canaliculi located?

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What is it's canaliculi?

Canaliculi are tiny channels in bone tissue that allow for the exchange of nutrients and waste between osteocytes (bone cells) and blood vessels. They help maintain the health and function of bone by facilitating communication and transport within the bone tissue.

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Osteocytes, osteoclasts, osteoblasts, canaliculi, lamelli

What is the purpose of canaliculi?

Canaliculi are small, microscopic canals between the various lacunae of ossified bone. The radiating processes of the osteocytes project into these canals

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What are the narrow passageways that contain cytoplasmic extensions of osteocytes?

Canaliculi is the narrow passageways that contain cytoplasmic extensions of osteocytes. Narrow passageways form through the matrix to allow for an exchange of nutrients in the bone.

What is a canaliculus of bone cell?

Canaliculi in bones are cytoplasmic processes between bone cells that form between the bone cells (osteocytes) before the extracellular matrix hardens, or ossifies. They're basically extensions of the cytoplasm that connect the cells and allow communication and transfer of nutrients between the cells so they don't die. Anatomically, a canaliculi is any small channel in the body.