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Q: What is a special tree with long stalk and lobed leaves?
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What is the long stem of a plant from which leaves and flowers grow?


Do wheat plant have branches?

No, wheat has a long thin stalk and a few leaves. Wheat does not have branches.

What special features does a giraffe have to get food?

long necks to get leaves from tall trees

Is a celery a stalk?

A stalk (or some people call it a rib) is one of the long pieces that are attached at the bottom of the head of celery. What most people call a "bunch of celery," the USDA calls a "stalk;" and what most people call a "stalk of celery," they call a "branch." One other term needs describing: "node," which is the point at which the first leaves or leafstems appear on a branch of celery.

What kind of plant has a violet stalk green leaves and has long stem's with purple berries on them?

American pokeweed, Pokeberry, Pokeweed, Red Ink PlantPhytolaccaceae (Pokeweed Family)

What are some special features about giraffe?

long neck to eat leaves from treetops dots to camouflage

What is the life story of a cabbage?

First you sprout from your seed. Then you start to grow your first leaves (cotyledons). Then you grow larger leaves that all fold inward into a ball, with some loose leaves. Then you may get picked. If you are left alone, a flowering stalk grows up not too long before you die, and you might have offspring.

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How much does 1 asparagus stalk weigh?

As asparagus stalk can be thick or thin, long or short, so a definitive answer is not possible.

What are physical and behavioral characteristics of garlic mustard?

A plant with long, flat grasslike leaves and a papery hood around the greenish white or pink flowers grouped together at the end of a long stalk. The stalk rises from the flower bulb made up of many smaller bulbs or cloves.

Does gumamela has a fruit?

The gumamela does have fruit seeds that are only about 3 cm long. They have a thin red pulp with a five-lobed capsule.

When do you pick Swiss chard from your garden?

Short answer: once the plant leaves are over a foot in height. Long answer: I picked mine as soon as I felt that the root system was established and that the leaves are large enough to be useful. In West Virginia, it took about 3 weeks from sowing 5 inch tall plants, in march, to have the plants establish. The largest leaves are about a foot long and 6 inches wide, at their widest, with an additional 10 inches or so of a celery-like stalk. These are the older leaves with the least amount of flavor. Younger leaves are more tender and can be used as a more direct substitute for lettuce. I've read that high heat makes the leaves more bitter, so you may want to avoid eating the leaves during this time, but I've not had my plants long enough to know if this is true in my climate. Be sure to trim the stalk of the leave at the base of the plant, even if you're only using the leafy part, to ensure the plants remain healthy.