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A cliff

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Q: What is a steep high wall of rock earth or ice?
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What is a cliff?

a steep, high, wall of rock, earth, or ice.

What is a high steep wall of rock called?

A high, steep wall of rock is a cliff. Cliffs are common on coasts, in mountainous areas, escarpments and along rivers. Cliffs are formed due to erosion.

What is Four letter word meaning a steep rock?


What is a five letter word for a very steep wall of rock or soil?


What is another name for a steep rock face?

Viewed from the top it is a precipice. Nut I don't think this word is ever used when viewing from the bottom of the cliff - as there is always a connotation of 'falling' involved with the use of the word.Another word could be "scarp"

What does steeper mean?

To be more steep. We say "a steep slope" meaning the slope rises at a sharp angle, that is difficult to climb. A wall is steep because it goes straight up.

What is the difference between a canyon and a cliff?

a canyon is like valley but it have two cliffs instead of mountain . A cliff is a steep wall of rock. So a canyon is a cliff . A canyon with a river on middle is a gorge.

What was the great wall of china made of-?

It is made of hard roasted lime brick blocks of rock and stones and other rocks and mineral type of things.

What is a rock wall made of?


What is The Great Wall of China madeout of?

It is mainly made of earth, rock and wood before modern day materials were used.

What is a narrow chasm with a steep cliff wall?

By definition, a narrow chasm with steep cliff walls is a canyon. Exceptionally narrow canyons are called "slot canyons".

How was granite used in The Great Wall of China?

This ancient great wall was actually built of wood, earth, grass, and three principal different types of stone: granite (magmatic rock), white marble (metamorphic rock) and and white stones (sedimentary rock, like sandstone and limestone). There wasn't always rock available, so they used earth and rubble that they pounded until it was hard. In other places the hills were so steep that oxen couldn't pull the carts of rock up to the building site, so the men themselves carried the rocks on their backs. In the desert, the wall was built using sand, pebbles and grass. Shi Huang Di became the first emperor of a united China and decided that the various walls needed to be fortified and joined together. He ordered thousands of watchtowers to be built 12 metres tall and 12 square metres at their base with 6-metre walls of granite joining them.