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6mo ago

A substance like liquid nitrogen is used to obtain very low temperatures through a process known as cryogenic cooling. It is commonly used in scientific research and industrial applications, such as in cryopreservation of biological samples, freezing and storing food, and cooling superconducting materials. Liquid nitrogen has a boiling point of -196 degrees Celsius (-321 degrees Fahrenheit), making it suitable for achieving extremely low temperatures.

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Q: What is a substance such as liquid nitrogen used to obtain very low temperatures?
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How do animal obtain nitrogen?

Animals obtain nitrogen by eating plants which have absorbed nitrogen from the soil.

How do consumers obtain nitrogen?

Plants take in nitrogen from their roots then the consumers eat the plants.

What can be heated to obtain nitrogen?

Either ammonium nitrite or ammonium dichromate can he heated to obtain nitrogen gas.

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Yes, you can do relatively easily by liquefying the gas at very low temperatures and high pressure, and then raising the temperature gradually. This is because different gases have different boiling temperatures, so that by carefully controlling the temperature, you can obtain a pure gas, while the rest remains liquid. This is how you get pure Oxygen, Nitrogen, and others gases in the atmosphere.

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What is another name poor man's liquid nitrogen refers to?

I've never actually heard this term used. I suppose it might mean either dry ice or a mixture of dry ice and acetone (or dry ice and diethyl ether), dry ice being somewhat easier for most people to obtain than liquid nitrogen.

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mostly from food.

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What differences are there between CO2 and H2O?

Carbon dioxide is at room temperature a gas; a gas can be liquefied to obtain the liquid form. It is possible also to obtain a gas in solid form (at very low temperatures) and the carbon dioxide is not an exception.

What is the only way that animals can obtain nitrogen?

eating the plants

In what form most organisms obtain nitrogen?

from amino acids