

Best Answer

You could try:

  • godspeed
  • God bless
  • good luck
  • shalom
  • peace be unto you
  • blessed be
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Q: What is a synonymous way of saying 'God bless you'?
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If god sneezed what do we say?

God can't sneeze, for he cannot be sick. He's perfect. If God were to choose to sneeze (sneezing is not always a symptom of an illness) and you were on hand to witness it, it would not be inappropriate to say "You bless You" which is a short way of saying "May you bless yourself".

How do you say god bless you in polish?

Na zdrowie. It literally means for health. The same way as "god bless you", but imply to wish you good health. However, "na zdrowie" is more of an idiom and is less religious then "god bless you."

Why do people say godblesh you when you sneeze?

The phrase "God bless you" came from a belief that a sneeze could leave the body vulnerable to evil spirits or that the heart would momentarily stop during a sneeze. Saying "God bless you" was a way to protect the sneezer.

How do you write Blessing on your home in norwegian?

There are different ways, one way is "Velsigne huset ditt". In the older days, many households in norway had signs saying "Gud signe heimen vår" which means "God Bless our Home". You could rewrite it to "Gud signe heimen din", which will mean "God Bless your home".

Why say god bless you when sneez?

The phrase "God bless you" after a sneeze originated from the belief that sneezing can expel evil spirits from the body, so the blessing was a way to protect the person sneezing. Over time, it has become a common polite response to someone sneezing as a way to wish them well.

What is another way to say thankful?

much appreciated. gracias arigato god bless you god bless omg, how could i ever repay u? much obliged ummmm...... your welcome?!?!

What is a fun way to have devotions with God?

Cook some delicious food with love and devotion; ask God to bless it; and invite your friends!!

How do you say God Bless you in Hawaiian language?

Ke Akua(God) Ho'omaika'i(Bless) Oe(You)! While the above answer may be right it depends what you're saying it in regards to. For instance if you were saying it to someone who just sneezed I'd use the much shorter "ola" which basically means "life". I can't remember what my kumu, teacher, told me about why it's used though. He was more of an old timer maybe it's an old time way of saying bless you to a sneeze.

How did the phrase bless you started?

"Bless you" began way back when, when people believed that demons possesed the weak. They believed that when a person sneezed, they were physically at their most vulerable, and demons could easily enter them. By saying "Bless you", or "God bless you", they were invoking the name of the Lord, and therefore keeping demons away from the poor, unsuspecting victim. Ps. this is a very short answer, for a phrase that is in strong use even after centuries of the origin of the phrase. One thing we have to analize, is WHY we STILL say " Bless you "

Is your small bowel the same thing as your small intestine?

yes it is intestines are just a scientific way of saying it fam

How do you say God bless you for your hardwork and efforts?

The way you said it is fine, though many countries don't say "God bless" quite that freely. You might say "Many thanks for your hard work and effort," which will mean the same.

What is the meaning of God bless this weather?

"God bless this weather" is often used as an expression of gratitude or appreciation for pleasant weather conditions. It can also be a way to acknowledge the beauty and tranquility of the weather.