

What is a system in which moons orbit a star?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Moons don't orbit stars; they orbit planets. If it's a moon, then it orbits a planet. If it orbits a star, then it isn't a moon, it's a planet.

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Q: What is a system in which moons orbit a star?
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I am not familiar with planets evolving around any singular planet. If you are referring to orbit, the planets orbit the sun, a star, not a planet, in our solar system. Some planets have moons in their orbit.

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no only moons orbit uranus Actually, Uranaus has a pronounced ring system, consisting of ices and rocky debris. These particulates are not moons, but they most certainly orbit the planet.

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It's our system of a central star, the sun, and all of the planets, dwarf planets, rocks, moons and comets etc in orbit around it.

How do the orbit of planets differ from the orbit of moons?

A planet orbits a star. A moon orbits a planet or dwarf planet.