

What is a threadworm?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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13y ago

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Threadworm-- Any long, thin nematode worm.

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Related questions

How big is a threadworm in centimeters?

50 centimeters

What population groups tend to get threadworm infection?

Threadworm infection, which is also called strongyloidiasis, occurs in most countries of the world but is natural to (endemic in) tropical and subtropical climates.

How did you catch threadworm?

You catch threadworm by ingesting an egg, or by having an egg enter your body via the anus. Sounds a bit gross, but it happens. The best way to prevent threadworm is to practice hygiene. It can become a problem if feces isn't disposed of correctly in an area, but developed countries don't generally have to worry about that sort of issue.

What are the antihelmintic drugs?

Anthelmintics are use in the treatment of threadworm infections and include mebendazole and piperazine

What are the causes of threadworm infection?

Threadworm infection is caused by Strongyloides stercoralis, a roundworm that lives in soil and can survive there for several generations. Mature threadworms may grow as long as 1-2 in (2.5-5 cm). The larvae have two stages.

What causes a threadworm infection?

According to medical information that can be viewed on the internet that relates to the causes of threadworm infection it states that there may not actually be a cause. The National Health Service states that threadworm infection is caused by the transferring of eggs from person to person or a woman's person parts to anus. The eggs can be transferred by bedding, shared washing towels, toys, kitchen utensils, toothbrushes, furniture and kitchen and bathroom furniture.

How do you get rid of threadworm?

you poison it with a very strong medication that will kill it sorry but i do not know what that is

Does Albendazole kill threadworm eggs as well as adults?

i think they dont take a tablet of Ovex it might help

What are the symptoms of threadworm infection?

Threadworm infection is an intestinal disease, which occasionally spreads to the skin, caused by a type of parasitic roundworm (helminth). In untreated patients, the disease has a high rate of reinfection caused by worms.

What is the prognosis for a patient with threadworm infection?

The prognosis for complete recovery is good for most patients, except those with hyperinfection syndrome or severe protein loss.

What parasitic infections are most common?

Common parasitic infestations include amebiasis, malaria, giardiasis, hookworm, pinworm, threadworm, whipworm and tapeworm infestations.

Worms that only come out of anus at night?

they come up from the ground and find food. they come up at night so they don't get eaten by a bird or some thing and they don't really do much apart from wiggler-ling around.