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trypanosoma that causes sleeping disease

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Q: What is a tiny single celled parasite?
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Is a malarial parasite a single celled organism?


Is the malaria parasite a single celled protozoan?

no it is not but many believe it is.......

What are the characteristics of parasites?

the characteristics of a parasite are they r single celled and the fart.

Microscopic single-celled simple plants?

Bacteria or bacterium are the microscopic single-celled simple plants some are harmful and some are helpful. Bacteria constitute a large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms.

Is a parasite unicellular or multicellular?

Multicellular.Some dragonflies (known nowadays only from fossils) had wing spans of 75 cm (30 inches). That is a lot bigger than any single cell!

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A parasite is a tiny one celled animal with a changeable body outline that causes a type of dysentery. The disease can also be caused by fleas, worms, ticks, and lice.

This sexually transmitted disease is caused by a single-celled protozoan parasite and can usually be cured with the prescription drug metronidazole.?


What is gardia?

Giardia Lamblia is a single-celled parasite that is the cause of Giardiasis or Beaver Fever. Giardiasis is a digestive system infection.

Is a snail multi celled or singular celled?

Snails are multi-celled. Single-celled organisms are like bacteria and are really, really tiny. Snails on the other hand, are composed of millions and millions of cells.

Paramecium single celled or multi celled?

single celled,it's a bacteria duh!