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Q: What is a traditional story passed down orally long before written down?
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Period before records were written or passed orally?

The period before records were written or passed orally is often referred to as prehistory. This era encompasses the time before written language was developed and relied on archaeological evidence to understand human societies and cultures. It varies by region but generally extends from the emergence of the earliest human ancestors to the invention of writing systems.

What language did Aesop write in?

Aesop is believed to have written in ancient Greek. His fables were passed down orally before being written down by later authors.

How were traditional Aboriginal stories passed on?

The indigenous Australians passed on their stories orally, from the elders to the younger generation. They also used corroborees and their artwork to pass on stories.

What other ways was the history of Inca perserved?

It was passed down orally and it was written down.

Who is the author of the myth of lansones?

The author of the myth of Lansones is not known as this myth is a traditional folklore passed down orally through generations in the Philippines.

Why have folk tales existed so long?

Because they get passed down, either orally or written down

What is difference between prehistory and history?

prehistory- is before the written word, where most of the stories where passed down orally. history- began when civilizations, invented writing and could record events.

Did aboriginal people have written language?

No, Aborigines did not have a written language. They passed down their stories by way of pictures and symbols in their artwork. They also passed on their information and stories orally, or through dances and coroborees.

Did drama have its origins in stories from the Old Testament?

Drama did not begin with the Old Testament. Homer's Iliadand Odyssey are far older, and there were dramas, either written or passed on orally, long before Homer's epics.

Who is the author of The Clever Fox?

The author of "The Clever Fox" is an anonymous figure as it is a traditional folk tale that has been passed down orally through generations in various cultures.

How did early people document their history before the invention of writing?

Early people documented their history through oral storytelling, cave paintings, and the use of symbols and images on objects like pottery or tools. They passed down knowledge and stories from generation to generation through verbal communication and visual representations.

What is the sacred book for Japanese?

The holy books of Shinto are the Kojiki and the Nihon-gi. These books are compilations of ancient myths and traditional teachings that had previously been passed down orally.