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Q: What is a two-year-old patients metabolic rate compared to an adult?
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How does metabolic rate change with the development of an animal from zygote to adult?

The metabolic rate does change with the development of an animal from a zygote to adult because of the development of the organs. As growth occurs the organs fully develop.

How old is a baby pig compared to an adult?

An adult is 2x the size of a baby.

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Oxazolindinediones are appropriate for pediatric and adult patients.

How does the rate of children hospitalized with asthma compared to the adult Rate?

The rate is twice as high as the adult rate.

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Metabolic Syndrome Treatment Options?

Metabolic Syndrome is a disorder that elevates the risk for heart disease and diabetes. People with this syndrome have hypertension, insulin resistance, blood clots and excessive fat around their waist. Physicians treat this constellation of symptoms with lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise. If these measures fail, the physician will prescribe antihypertensive agents, cholesterol medications and anti-diabetes drugs. Some of these patients also have abnormally low growth hormone levels and are diagnosed with adult growth hormone deficiency. Some patients are treated with human growth hormones.

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How much money do pediatric oncologists earn?

The salaries for pediatric oncologists are typically lower than those of adult oncologists for a number of reasons. First, there are far fewer pediatric oncologists in private practice compared to adult oncologists. This has to do with the fact that there are far fewer pediatric oncology patients compared to adult oncology patients. As such, most pediatric oncologists are affiliated with and/or employed by an academic medical center. Depending on your role (clinical vs research) and your position (non-tenure track, assistant vs. assoc. vs. full professor), your salary will vary. Most of the entry salaries for the people I know coming out of fellowship are between $125-150k a year.

Do Down Syndrome patients still have a right to autonomy?

Adult Down syndrome patients do have a right to autonomy. The exception is if the court has appointed a legal guardian for them.

Does a child or adult have a higher metabolism?

Generally a child will have a higher metabolic rate due to the fact that they are more physically active than adults. Also because their metabolic system has not fully matured or developed and can easily be shaped..

The largest metabolic reserve for the average adult are stored as?

For the average American adult, stored as fat! Americans have a very large percentage of body fat and this is energy that is just waiting to be burned!

How much thinner is a new baby's skin when compared to an adult's?

18 times