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Q: What is a type of body conditioning by resistance exercises?
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What type of exercises are good for conditioning ones abs?

There are many exercises for conditioning the abs. Some of these are the basic crunch, the plank, the bicycle, the abdominal hold, the side crunch, and the hundred.

What type of exercises of not closely related to resistance training?

Stretching is not closely related to resistance training.

What type of exercise is not closely related to resistance training?


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Which exercises are strength conditioning exercises?

Some beneficial strength training exercises include free weights, which is probably the best known. You can also buy resistance bands which is a cheap and easy way to do strength training at home without having to spend money on large pieces of equipment.

What muscle groups do bunny hops focus on?

Bunny hops are plyometric type exercises. Bunny hops are full body exercises that use mainly the muscles in the legs.

Which type of diabetes mellitus is an insulin resistance disorder gestational type 1 or type 2?

Diabetes type 2 has insulin resistance, while type 1 is basically an autoimmune disease where your body attacks your pancreas.

What can make body for life exercises easier?

When doing any type of execise, the motto "no pain no gain" stays true. In order for the full effect of Body-For-Life exercises to have the full effect, it may take some straining physical effort.

What is the Purpose of deep breathing and coughing exercises?

Type of breathing exercises

Active exercises-definition and its type?

Active exercise is the movement of a part of the body through voluntary contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the area.

What is some good home workout equipment?

I like to work on core strengthening and stretching when at home. I primarily use resistance bands and a medicine ball. Using the resistance bands, I do a lot of rowing type exercises, sit ups holding the medicine ball etc.

What does strength refer to?

Strength refers to a muscle's ability to generate force against physical objects. In the fitness world, this typically refers to how much weight you can lift for different strength training exercises. The type of resistance can include dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands, machines, cables or your own body. When lifting heavy weight, you increase strength, muscle size and connective tissues such as ligaments and tendons