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Q: What is a type of projection usually showing the poles?
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Landmasses near the poles are distorted on this type of map?

cylindrical projection

Is azimuthal is a type of map projection?

Azimuth is the measurement of the position of a star in the sky

On what type of map does distortion increase with distance from the poles?

The Mercator Projection distorts the size of large objects from the Equator to the poles. It was named for Flemish map make Gerardus Mercator.

What type of projection has parallel lines of longitude which disappear near the poles?

Mercator is the type of projection which has parallel lines of longitude which disappear near the poles. The project in question also presents parallel lines of latitude even though the overall clarity gets distorted around both the North and South Poles.

What type of map shows distortion increase with distance from the poles?

Polar Projections

What type of map projection is used by airline pilots?

The type of map projection used by pilots is called a Polar Projection. It shows the Earth from one of the two poles, which helps show what is known as The Great Circle Route. This states that if you live on a rounded object such as the Earth, you travel on a curved line. This makes a Polar Projection the best choice and most commonly used map projection used by pilots.

What type of projection is a Mercator?

cylindrical projection

Which type of projection is best for showing Mexico?

The Lambert conic conformal qualifies as such. Distortion on higher latitudes is diminished and you can appreciate how big the country actually is.

What type of projection is a Mercator projectio?

It is a Mercator projection!

Maps can be made by projecting Earth's spherical grid onto a?

That would depend on the type of map. A Mercator projection projects the Earth onto a cylinder, causing distortions at the poles. A "conic" projection projects the Earth onto a cone. And there are special purpose maps that project the Earth onto a plane.

Which type of map projection shows all latitude and longitude lines as parell?

The Mercator projection

What type of map projection would allow you to draw a map of the world from outer space?

orthographic projection