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Q: What is a vast cover of ice called?
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What is Thick sheets of ice that can cover large areas of a continent are called ice caps or?

Thick sheets of ice that can cover large areas of a continent are called continental glaciers or ice caps. Examples of continental glaciers are in Antarctica and Greenland The ice sheets that form in these two locations are up to 3500 meters thick. thank you a lot

The frozen continent that covers the South Pole?

Is called Antarctica. Although 98% of Antarctica is ice, there is land underneath the ice cover unlike the Arctic where the ice floats on top of the ocean.

Why did the Roman army need to use mercenaries?

Basically for reinforcement and special skills. Although the Romans could levy plenty of troops from Italy, some of their allies had specialities that were useful such as slingers, bowmen and cavalry which could reinforce the Roman units. An example of this is their Batavian allies who were not only excellent horsemen, but they prided themselves on being able to swim across a river in full armor.

Times when continental glaciers cover large parts of earths surface are called?

These are ice ages.Ice ageIce Age.

Cold dry climate with snow and ice cover?

Cold,dry climate with snow and ice cover

What is the vegetation cover of russia?

Russia is vast. The vegetation differs.

What is a mass of ice and snow that permanetly cover a large area of land?

Glacier A continuous mass of ice covering a . . A continuous mass of ice covering a large landmass is known as a mass of perennial ice. (general term). The ice covering Antarctica is called an ice sheet, and it covers 98% of the continent.

Does the antarctic treaty cover the ice and sea or just the ice?

just the ice.

A vast estate in ancient rome was called latifundia?

No, a vast estate in Ancient Rome was called a villa.

Broad thick sheets of ice that are common in Antarctica and Greenland are named what?

They are called ice sheets and/or continental glaciers if they cover more than 50,000 square kilometers of land area.continental

What is a vast collection of stars?

Vast collections of stars are called galaxies.