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Not a vegetarian.

No vegetarian eats meat.

A flexitarian. I hate the term. It means nothing really. It means they're vegetarian some times, non-vegetarian at the other times. Which is basically everyone in the world, as nobody really eats meat with every meal. Normally it's people who either a) want to label themselves or b) want to be vegetarian but don't like going to restaurants or people's homes and refusing the meals they're made.

Or there are people like pescetarians, who don't eat anything that vegetarians eat, except fish. They eat fish.

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11y ago

Most plants are not carnivores, but there are a few that are both carnivorous and edible by humans (see related links). Many vegetarians would not have a problem with eating these plants, but they are not a common part of most human diets.

Some vegans object to plants that are raised using animal manure or carcasses as fertilizer.

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11y ago

Vegetarians do not eat meat of an animal. Many vegetarians will eat fish and seafood products or chicken and poultry products. Generally, a vegetarian will eat no mean from any animal, but this decision is up to the individual.

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Who never eats meat?

A herbivore or a vegetarian or a vegan never deliberately eats meat.

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What do you call a vegetarian who also eats chicken?

By definition, a vegetariandoes not eat meat, so they are not a vegetarian, but an omnivore (eats both plants and meat). They are likely an omnivore that bases their diet heavily on vegetation and only eats meat as a supplement, but the fact that meat is a part of their diet means that they are not a vegetarian.

Is Dora the Explorer a vegetarian?

No she eats meat and fish.

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yes he doeshe is definitely not a vegetarian.

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No, Shahrukh is not Vegetarian No, Shahrukh is not Vegetarian

What percentage of ex-vegetarians return to being meat-eaters?

Uh... All of them. If you're not a vegetarian, than you eat meat. A vegetarian eats no animals. If you are not a vegetarian, then you don't eat the classification of not eating meat and therefore you do eat meat.

What type of vegetarian excludes all meat products but fish?

Pescatarian is the name for a vegetarian that eats fish.

What to do when vegetarian eats meat accidentally?

The Best thing to do is TRY not to eat it again.

Is it good if a mouse eats meat?

Mice eat insects. (Not if it's a vegetarian!)

What is the best advice for someone who is a vegetarian is to?

My best advice is to do research before you starting removing meat from your diet. I know several people who accidentally got sick because they tried to live off of potato chips and celery. Research different meal idea, recipes, meat replacements, and benefits of vegetarianism. Next, decide what's in/out. Ovo-vegetarian: eats eggs but meat, fish, dairy, poultry is out Lacto-vegetarian: eats dairy products but meat, fish, eggs, and poultry is out Lacto-ovo-vegetarian: eats eggs and dairy products but no meat, fish, or poultry Pesce-vegetarian: eats fish, eggs, and dairy but not meat or poultry Good luck!

What type of vegetarian uses dairy products?

A vegetarian eats dairy; The only term describing someone who eats no animal based product (meat, dairy, eggs...) is Vegan.