

What is a very acidic solution?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is a very acidic solution?
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What is pH of a very acidic solution?

A very acidic solution will have a very low pH.

What is a pH acidic of a solution?

A very acidic solution will have a very low pH.

What is the pH of a very acidic solution?

The pH of a very acidic solution is less than 7. It typically ranges from 0 to 4 on the pH scale.

What is the pH of very acid solution?

A very acidic solution will have a very low pH.

Is a dilute acidic solution only made from a weak acid?

No, a dilute acidic solution can be made from either a strong acid or a weak acid. The term "dilute" refers to the concentration of the acid in the solution, while the strength of the acid refers to its ability to ionize in water.

The measure of how acidic or basic a solution is?

pH is the measure of how acidic or basic a solution is. It ranges from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic), with 7 being neutral. pH is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution.

What is the pH level of a very acidic solution?

The pH level of a very acidic solution is typically below 3. This indicates a high concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution, making it very acidic.

Why would a solution with a low pH have more hydrogen ions?

The pH scale measures the acidity of a substance or solution. It runs from 1 ( very acidic ) to 14 ( very basic ). 7 is nuetral. Hydrogen ions make the solution more acidic, OH ( hydroxil ) makes a solution very basic.

A soloution with a Ph of 8.5 is?

The solution is an Alkaline 7 is neutral 1 is very acidic 14 is very alkaline The others are slightly acidic or alkaline

Is an acidic solution?

An acidic solution has the pH under 7.

Aqueous solution of gaseous HCl is acidic but solution of HCl gas in benzene has no acidic property?

In an aqueous solution of gaseous HCl, the HCl molecules dissociate into H+ and Cl- ions, which react with water to form H3O+ ions, resulting in an acidic solution. In benzene, which is a nonpolar solvent, the HCl molecules do not dissociate into ions due to the absence of water molecules to facilitate the ionization process, so the solution does not exhibit acidic properties.

What solution is most acidic but with a low pH level?

A low pH solution will inherently be acidic. 12.0 M hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid both are extremely acidic. highly concentrated high dissociation molecules make for very acidic solutions.