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Q: What is a word that means amount of money charged for allowing to enter a public place?
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Why shouldn't we be charged to enter public parks?

because they're public (open to the public and possibly paid for by the government) not private unless they're private in which case it could be illegal to enter one without permission

Why do humans have eyelashes?

eyelashes protect the eyes by not allowing any foreign particle to enter into it eyelashes protect the eyes by not allowing any foreign particle to enter into it

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It sounds like a vacuum leak allowing air to enter the engine after the choke. The carb could also be dirty and not allowing enough fuel through it for the amount of air you are supping.

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There is a non-refundable $140 charged for a Visa to enter the US from Nigeria. There does not seem to be a non refundable travel allowance charged.

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"Dark as a dungeon" would be considered a "common phrase" and as such is not eligible for copyright protection

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It is a library that is open to the public, with little or no restrictions on who can enter.

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the pupil contracts and expands in response to light. In dark areas, the pupil will expand allowing more light to enter allowing us to see better in darkness. In well lit areas it will contract allowing less light to enter, allowing us to see in better detail

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You are allowing coolant to enter the combustion chamber. AND You replace the head!

The word Cranny in a sentence?

The cranny in the foundation is allowing small animals to enter the structure.

What temporary physiological advantage us created by the substantial increase in ches ircumference during forced inspiration?

This allows the maximum possible amount of air to be inhaled, allowing more oxygen to enter the lungs and bloodstream.

How do you enter White House?

They have regular public tours.

When do girls get public hair?

Usually as they enter teens.