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An abstract data type (ADT) exists purely to provide a common interface to all the objects that may be derived from it, without providing the full implementation of that interface. It is a concept rather than an actual object.

For instance, an Animal object is a fairly general class of object, while Cat and Dog are specific types of Animal. It does not make sense to allow users to create an instance of Animal, since it would impossible to provide an implementation for every type of animal that that class could possibly represent.

For instance, all animals make a noise, so it makes sense for the Animal class to have a MakeNoise() method. But we cannot implement this method since the Animal class would have to determine what type of animal it actually was before it could produce the correct sound. Animals simply do not do this in real life: a dog does not ask itself whether it is a cat or a dog before deciding that it should bark rather than meow!

So we declare Animal to be an ADT by making the MakeNoise() method pure-virtual. We can then derive a Cat object from our Animal ADT and implement the MakeNoise() method within the Cat object. We can do the same for the Dog class, a Mouse class, an Elephant class, and so on. Each specific object knows what sound it must make.

Since all these specific classes are derived from a common ADT, the Animal class, we can create collections of animals, without regard to their specific type. When we call an animal's MakeNoise() method, a Cat object will meow while a Dog object will bark, the Mouse will squeak and the Elephant will Trumpet. We've effectively called a general method but got a specific method instead, without having to work out which specific method to call.

That is the essence of all ADTs; by creating a new data type from an ADT, we can provide a specific implementation for an already existing common interface. Clients of the ADT (such as a queue or stack) needn't know what data types it contains, nor what data types it could contain in the future because they already know the common interface of the ADT. If you decide you want a lion in your queue, derive one from the ADT and the client won't care: the MakeNoise() method will make the lion roar!

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7y ago

An abstract data type (ADT) is a base class that has one or more pure-virtual methods. A derived class must provide an overridden implementation for all the pure-virtual methods inherited from its abstract base classes otherwise it, too, becomes an ADT. Once overridden by any class in the hierarchy, a pure-virtual method reverts to a virtual method and that implementation can then be inherited by further derivatives of the class. However, only classes that provide or inherit a complete implementation can be instantiated in their own right. ADTs can only be instantiated through derivation.

ADTs are useful when creating classes that are intended to provide interfaces to more specialised classes, but which do not have enough information to implement those interfaces. For instance, consider a shape base class:

class shape {


virtual void draw (void);


shape s; // a shapeless shape?

s.draw (); // how do we draw a shapeless shape?

The draw method is common to all types of shape, however a shape is not a type of shape. At best it is a shapeless shape, but it is not reasonable to expect a shapeless shape to be drawn (or rotated, mirrored, skewed or any other operation common to shapes), thus a shape cannot implement these methods. But it must still provide the interface because it is common to all types of shape (circles, triangles, rectangles, pentagons, hexagons, etc). We achieve this with pure-virtual methods:

class shape { public:

virtual void draw (void) =0;


The pseudo-initialiser, =0, renders a virtual function pure and turns the base class into an ADT. This means we cannot instantiate objects of type shape in their own right:

shape s; // error -- shape is an ADT!

To implement the pure-virtual interface we must derive concrete objects from the ADT:

class circle : public shape {

int x, y; // centre point

int r; // radius


circle (int xx, int yy, int rr): x {xx}, y{yy}, r{rr} {}

void draw (void) override;


Here, circle provides a complete implementation for the pure virtual interface of its base class, thus we can instantiate circles (and thus shapes):

circle c {0, 0, 42} ;

c.draw (); // ok

Similarly with rectangles:

class rectangle : public shape {

int x, y; // centre point

int w, h; // width and height

int r; // rotation


rectangle (int xx, int yy, int ww, int hh, int rr): x {xx}, y{yy}, w{ww}, h{hh}, r{rr} {}

void draw (void) override;


rectangle r {0, 0, 10, 15, 0};

r.draw (); // ok

At this point we can start to add other interfaces to the ADT and implement them in each of the derivatives. However, we then notice that some methods don't actually do anything for certain objects. For instance the rotate method applies to all shapes, but no matter how much we rotate a circle, it looks exactly the same. Thus rotate does not apply to circles. We can eliminate this specific interface from circles simply by creating a new ADT purely for the rotatable shapes:

class shape {


virtual void draw (draw) =0;


class rotatable: public shape {


virtual void rotate (int rad) =0;


class circle: public shape {

int x, y; // centre point

int r; // radius


circle (int xx, int yy, int rr): x {xx}, y{yy}, r{rr} {}

void draw (void) override;


class rectangle: public rotatable {

int x, y; // centre point

int w, h; // width and height

int r; // rotation


rectangle (int xx, int yy, int ww, int hh, int rr): x {xx}, y{yy}, w{ww}, h{hh}, r{rr} {}

void draw (void) override;

void rotate (int rad) override;


shape s; // error - shape is an ADT!

rotatable rot; // error -- rotatable is an ADT!

circle c {0, 0, 42} ;

c.draw (); // ok

c.rotate (12); // error: circle does not have a rotate() method!

rectangle r {0, 0, 10, 15, 0};

r.draw (); // ok

r.rotate (12); // ok

Note that although we cannot instantiate shape or rotatable objects in their own right, we can still refer to them. After all, every circle is a type of shape and has a public base class of type shape that we can refer to. Thus the following are all perfectly valid "shape containers":

std::vector<shape*> s; // a vector of shapes (of all kinds)

std::Vector<circle*> c; // a vector of circles

std::vector<rectangle*> rc; // a vector of rectangles

std::vector<rotatable*> r; // a vector of all rotatable shapes (including rectangles)

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