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Q: What is all made up of all liquid frozen or gaseous on earth?
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Is the lithosphere made up of all of the liquid frozen or gaseous water on Earth?

Not. That is the hydrosphere. The lithosphere is composed of stone.

What is the difference between the atmosphere of earth and space?

An atmosphere implies the presence of a gaseous substance (such as air, in the earth's atmosphere, which is primarily made up of nitrogen and oxygen). Space is defined as the absence of atmosphere (as pure space consists of no solid, liquid or gaseous substance).

Is a gaseous planet denser than Earth?

No. Earth is denser than any gaseous planet in the solar system as it is made of denser materials.

Is Mars frozen solid?

Mars is made predominantly of rock, mineral, and metallic compounds, much like Earth. While it is cold, it is not "frozen" in the sense that it is made from something that would otherwise be a liquid. It is not an ice planet, for example.

Is earth mostly gas or rocks?

Earth is made mostly of rock. It has comparatively small amounts of liquid and gaseous components. The four innermost planets of the Solar System have this in common with Earth, while the outer, non-dwarf planets are all gas giants, in which gaseous elements comprise the vast majority of the mass of the planets.

Is the Earth's core gaseous?

No, the earth's core is not gaseous. The core of the earth is under tremendous pressure and is very hot. The inner core is thought to be solid iron and nickel, with liquid iron and nickel comprising the outer core, which surrounds the solid center. A link can be found below to check facts and provide more information.

What is a terrestrial versus gaseous planet?

Terrestrial planets have a rocky surface with a possible gaseous atmosphere. Like Earth. A gaseous planet like Jupiter is made up of mostly gas. What exactly is at the core is hard to determine since the pressures at the center are so huge, strange stuff happens like Hydrogen turning into a liquid.

What is the earth's core's liquid made of?

The Earth's outer core is believed to be made of molten (liquid) iron and nickel.

What is the earth's core matle made of?

the earth is made of metal and liquid

What is the Earth's matle core made of?

the earth is made of metal and liquid

What is the liquid layer of the earth made of iron and nickel?

The layer of the earth made of liquid metal is called the Outer Core.

Which planets have water?

The only planet known to have liquid surface water is Earth, but probably all planets have at least some water. Water is made of two of the three most common elements in the universe, so it's not an exotic compound. Mars has frozen water in its polar caps (and may have had liquid surface water at one time). A number of moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn have frozen water on their surface and possibly liquid water below that.