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Ammonium sulphate is (NH4)2 SO4.

Alums are double sulphates containing for example aluminium ions. Ammonium alum is a name given to ammonium aluminium sulphate, (NH4) Al (SO4)2.12H2O

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Q: What is ammonium sulphate it is call ammonia alum?
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What you call it the process of converting ammonia to-urine?

There is a small amount of ammonia in urine. Ammonia is not converted to urine.

The reaction of ammonia with sulfuric acid?

When an Ammonium solution (NH4OH or simply NH3 with water) is added to Copper Sulfate (CUSO4), it forms what we call a "complex". It is called the Tetraamminecuprate(II) complex. The color of the soultion is deep blue and may form a white precipitate. Here's the reaction: Cu2+ + 4NH3 -----> Cu(NH3)4 (with a 2- charge) Only copper reacts with the ammonium, so there is no need to include the sulfate (SO4) and the hydroxide (OH-)

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An acronym is AN/FO.

What happens when you mix ammonia and lighter fluid?

What most people call "ammonia" is actually a solution of what chemists call ammonia in water. If you mix household ammonia with lighter fluid, they won't mix. Lighter fluid is probably (mostly) butane, which is not exactly miscible with water. I'm not actually positive whether it's miscible with "real" ammonia or not in the liquid state, but I doubt it; ammonia is polar and butane is not.

What is the difference between liquor Ammonia and Liquid Ammonia?

Liquor ammonia is a blend of ammonia, water, and other materials. It's a by-product of some petroleum distillation processes. Liquid ammonia (agriculture users usually call it anhydrous ammonia) is pure ammonia (NH3) gas chilled and condensed into its liquid form.

What do you call phitkari in English?

Its called Alum..... Chemically it is Pottasium Aluminum Sulphate. [Wikipedia] Usually in Indian Subcontinent familarly known as Phitkari. A White transperent Solid Crystal. Used in Cleaning Water & In Barbar Shops to stop accidental cuts. Also uses include as Deodrant. Other special uses include 1% to Harden the Gelatin in Photography. Gelatin becomes hard to be able to used as Photo resist for Screen Printing and PCB. regards Kaludi Noor Pakistan

What do you do if you inhale household ammonia?

call the poison control center

What do chemists often call the synthesis of ammonia reaction?

The Haber process.

How does nitrogen get turned into ammonia?

There is a industrial process. WE call it habor process.

If swallowed ammonia what to drink after?

Call your poison center quick and ask.

Who process makes ammonia?

There is a major process. We call it habor process.

Where does the ammonia in the water come from?

Ammonia can be found in the water when either animal waste or a decaying animals nitrogen is converted by bacteria in a process call ammonification.