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The "id" attribute specifies a unique ID for an element:

Ids must be unique within the page (so no other elements that are ided as "firstParagraphOfGreatness".)

Ids can be referenced in CSS like so:

#firstParagraphOfGreatness {css rules here}

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Q: What is an HTML attribute which specifies a unique id for an element?
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the tag is used to insert images. It is an empty element that only has attributes. Two attributes are required for the element: the src attribute and the alt attribute. The src attribute specifies the path of the image file. The alt attribute specifies an alternative text for the image, if the image is unavailable. The syntax for the tag is as follows: To know more check out the cronj IT site.

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What is an HTML attribute used for?

In HTML, atttribute provides additional information about HTML element. Attribute of HTML element is written in start tag and usually come in name/value pair e.g. name="value". Attribute names and values are case sensative and it is recommented by W3C to write them in lower case. Some attributes which can be used on any HTML element are: classs, id, style, title etc. Attribute values should always be quoted in single or double quotes. The best practice is to use double quotes around values.

What is an attribute used for?

In HTML, atttribute provides additional information about HTML element. Attribute of HTML element is written in start tag and usually come in name/value pair e.g. name="value". Attribute names and values are case sensative and it is recommented by W3C to write them in lower case. Some attributes which can be used on any HTML element are: classs, id, style, title etc. Attribute values should always be quoted in single or double quotes. The best practice is to use double quotes around values.

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How text align to right in jmesa htmlcolumn?

You can align HTML column by align attribute. The attribute could be aligned in the element you want to move.

How do you write a HTML code font themes?

You can mention the HTML code font by using style. Style element for an attribute contains all further attributes.

Which attribute for script elements is no longer required in HTML5?

The "type" element is no longer required for HTML 5. In the past, you needed to include the "type" element to notify the browser of the scripting language. It is optional for HTML 5.