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As an alternative to the traditional laparotomy (large incision into the abdomen), laparoscopic surgery may be performed

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Q: What is an alternative to traditional laparotomy?
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Related questions

What type of surgery is used as an alternative to laparotomy?

Laparoscopy is a relatively recent alternative to laparotomy that has many advantages. Also called minimally invasive surgery,

What is the advantage of laparoscopy over traditional laparotomy?

recovery time following laparoscopic surgery is shorter and less painful than following a traditional laparotomy (a larger surgical incision into the abdominal cavity).

What is laparotomy?

Laparotomy means exploration of abdominal cavity. If it involves the pelvic cavity it can be termed as pelvic laparotomy

What is pelvic laparotomy?

Laparotomy means exploration of abdominal cavity. If it involves the pelvic cavity it can be termed as pelvic laparotomy

What is Post Laparotomy?

after surgery - a laparotomy is a surgical opening of the abdominal cavity, usually done to examine abdominal organs

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such alternative systems as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine developed treatments for it.

What is staging laparotomy?

A staging laparotomy is a surgical procedure used to determine the stage of a patient's cancer, most commonly for Lymphomas. It involves removing lymph nodes and sometimes the spleen to allow a pathologist to see if the malignant (cancer) cells have reached that far. This procedure is much less common than it once was, as there are few cases in which the treatment would be changed depending on its results. Also, more recently staging has been performed with the use of laparoscopy instead of laparotomy (small incisions and a camera rather than the traditional larger incision.)

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By what technique is salpingostomy performed?

via laparotomy or laparoscopy , under general or regional anesthesia. A laparotomy is an incision made in the abdominal wall through which the fallopian tubes are visualized.

Where can one find information on laparotomy?

There are many websites that will provide information on laparotomy surgery. Hospitals such as the Mayo Clinic give good advice as well as a local physician.