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the roots absorb nutrients... that's all i can think of

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Q: What is an analogy for each function of the small intestine?
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The function of the large intestine is to absorb?

The function of the large intestine is to allow for small amount of absorption but mostly for removal of wastes from the body after absorption and digestion in the small intestine. Each section of the large intestine - cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum and anal canal all have specific purposes.

What large intestine and small intestine are the same?

Um, you only have one of each, and they are not the same...

How long does it take for the food to go from the big intestine to the small intestine?

Maybe I misunderstand your question, but... ... as the small and large intestine are joined to each other (exit small intestine and enter the large intestine), the food moves between the two almost instantaneously.

What are the three sections of the small intestine and what role does each section play in digestion or absorption?

The 3 parts of the small intestine are: the Duodenum, the Jejunum, and the Ileum.The small intestine is the site where most of the nutrients from ingested food are absorbed. The inner wall, or mucosa, of the small intestine is lined with simple columnar epithelial tissue.

What is the responsibility of liver in aiding digestion?

The digestive system has various parts each with its function. Producing bile is the main purpose of liver. The bile emulsifies fats to aid digestion in the small intestine.

What happens in each of the two intestines of the digestive system?

in the small intestine it absorbs nutrients for your blood. an in the large intestine it absorbs water.

What are each organ of the digestive system?

Esophagus, stomach, pancreas, small intestine, rectum, large intestine, gallbladder and liver. I think that was everything :)

Why does stomach and small intestine produce different enzymes?

because each enzyme has an own purpose

What part connects the pancreas to the small intestine?

The pancreatic duct comes from the pancreas to the small intestine as does the accessory pancreatic duct. Pancreatic juice containing important buffers and digestive enzymes travels through these ducts into the lumen or hollow part of the duodenum or first part of the small intestine. Physically, there is some connective tissue that holds both the pancreas and small intestine in place and near each other.

What is the name of projections on the inner surface of the small intestine?

The minute structures that project from the inner walls of the small intestine are called villi. They help in the digestion process by continuously pushing digested particles in one direction. Their function is to absorb nutrients. These villi effectively increase the surface area of the intestine so more nutrients can be absorbed.

What is the function of the intestine?

The function of the small intestine is to absorb nutrients from the food you eat. The function of the large intestine is to absorb water from the non-nutrient portions of the food you eat (waste) and to pass the waste materials to the anus for elimination.

Increases the surface area of the small intestine?

The "villi" of the intestines increase the surface area dramatically. Each villus is basically a loop of the intestine wall. The polyps that are often found in the large intestine exhibit similar structure.