

What is an antlia?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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An antlia is a spiral tubular proboscis on lepidopterous insects.

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8y ago

Antlia is a constellation in the southern sky, near Centaurus and Hydra.

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern A-T-IA. That is, six letter words with 1st letter A and 3rd letter T and 5th letter I and 6th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: antlia

What are some six letter words with 3rd letter T and 5th letter I and 6th letter A?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 7 words with the pattern --T-IA. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter T and 5th letter I and 6th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: antlia fatsia ketmia latria lithia nutria yttria

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The "alpha" star of any constellation - Alpha Cruxis, Alpha Centauri, Alpha Orionis, etc. Also: Antares, Altair, Achernar, Acrux, Algol, Arcturus, and many others. For a longer list, check the Wikipedia article on "brightest stars".

how to create a block in blockchain and fetch the data from blockchain?

Creating a block in blockchain involves several steps. First, the data to be added to the block is encrypted using a hashing algorithm. The hash is then combined with a nonce, a random number, and the previous block's hash to create a new hash. This process is repeated until a hash is generated that meets the network's difficulty requirements. To fetch data from the blockchain, one must identify the block that contains the desired data and extract it using the block's hash. The data can then be decrypted using the appropriate decryption key. However, as blockchain is a distributed ledger, it is essential to ensure that the data being retrieved is from a trustworthy source.

What is the names of constellations?

* Andromeda * Antlia * Apus * Aquarius * Aquila * Ara * Aries * Auriga * Boötes * Caelum * Camelopardalis * Cancer * Canes Venatici * Canis Major * Canis Minor * Capricornus * Carina * Cassiopeia * Centaurus * Cepheus * Cetus * Chamaeleon * Circinus * Columba * Coma Berenices * Corona Austrina * Corona Borealis * Corvus * Crater * Crux * Cygnus * Delphinus * Dorado * Draco * Equuleus * Eridanus * Fornax * Gemini * Grus * Hercules * Horologium * Hydra * Hydrus * Indus * Lacerta * Leo * Leo Minor * Lepus * Libra * Lupus * Lynx * Lyra * Mensa * Microscopium * Monoceros * Musca * Norma * Octans * Ophiuchus * Orion * Pavo * Pegasus * Perseus * Phoenix * Pictor * Pisces * Piscis Austrinus * Puppis * Pyxis * Reticulum * Sagitta * Sagittarius * Scorpius * Sculptor * Scutum * Serpens * Sextans * Taurus * Telescopium * Triangulum * Triangulum Australe * Tucana * Ursa Major * Ursa Minor * Vela * Virgo * Volans * Vulpecula

What are all the 88 constellations?

* Andromeda * Antlia * Apus * Aquarius * Aquila * Ara * Aries * Auriga * Boötes * Caelum * Camelopardalis * Cancer * Canes Venatici * Canis Major * Canis Minor * Capricornus * Carina * Cassiopeia * Centaurus * Cepheus * Cetus * Chamaeleon * Circinus * Columba * Coma Berenices * Corona Austrina * Corona Borealis * Corvus * Crater * Crux * Cygnus * Delphinus * Dorado * Draco * Equuleus * Eridanus * Fornax * Gemini * Grus * Hercules * Horologium * Hydra * Hydrus * Indus * Lacerta * Leo * Leo Minor * Lepus * Libra * Lupus * Lynx * Lyra * Mensa * Microscopium * Monoceros * Musca * Norma * Octans * Ophiuchus * Orion * Pavo * Pegasus * Perseus * Phoenix * Pictor * Pisces * Piscis Austrinus * Puppis * Pyxis * Reticulum * Sagitta * Sagittarius * Scorpius * Sculptor * Scutum * Serpens * Sextans * Taurus * Telescopium * Triangulum * Triangulum Australe * Tucana * Ursa Major * Ursa Minor * Vela * Virgo * Volans * Vulpecula

Name all 88 constellations?

* Andromeda * Antlia * Apus * Aquarius * Aquila * Ara * Aries * Auriga * Boötes * Caelum * Camelopardalis * Cancer * Canes Venatici * Canis Major * Canis Minor * Capricornus * Carina * Cassiopeia * Centaurus * Cepheus * Cetus * Chamaeleon * Circinus * Columba * Coma Berenices * Corona Austrina * Corona Borealis * Corvus * Crater * Crux * Cygnus * Delphinus * Dorado * Draco * Equuleus * Eridanus * Fornax * Gemini * Grus * Hercules * Horologium * Hydra * Hydrus * Indus * Lacerta * Leo * Leo Minor * Lepus * Libra * Lupus * Lynx * Lyra * Mensa * Microscopium * Monoceros * Musca * Norma * Octans * Ophiuchus * Orion * Pavo * Pegasus * Perseus * Phoenix * Pictor * Pisces * Piscis Austrinus * Puppis * Pyxis * Reticulum * Sagitta * Sagittarius * Scorpius * Sculptor * Scutum * Serpens * Sextans * Taurus * Telescopium * Triangulum * Triangulum Australe * Tucana * Ursa Major * Ursa Minor * Vela * Virgo * Volans * Vulpecula