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Q: What is an articulation and the function of the joints?
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What are the function of articulation in joints?

The function of the articulators in speech production (articulation) is primarily movement. The primary articulators are the lips, tongue, teeth, palate and jaw. The movement of the articulators as well as the way the air from the lungs is stopped, pushed and stretched gives us our speech skills!

What are the places where joints meet?

Joints do not meet. Bones meet to from joints.

What is the function of the atlas and axis?

Articulation of the head.

Are interphalangeal joints are considered syndesmosis?

No they are not, the inter-phalangeal joints are considered hinge joints. An example of syndesmosis in humans occurs at the tibio-fibular articulation/joint.

What is bone articulation?

1. Endowed with the power of speech.2. Composed of distinct, meaningful syllables or words, as human speech.3. Expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language: an articulate speaker.4. Characterized by the use of clear, expressive language: an articulate essay.5. Anatomy Consisting of sections united by joints; jointed.

How do ball-and-socket joints differ in function from joints in the cranium?

The function of fused joints, found in the cranium, is to protect the brain. The function of ball-and-socket joints, found in the shoulder and hips, is to provide maximum movement for the arms and legs.

What is an articulator?

An articulator is someone who, or something which, articulates.

Study of joints?

The area that studies the joints is called arthrology. They study the anatomy, function, and treatment of the human joints.

Another name for joint is?


When bones join togetherthey make this?

When bones join together, they form an articulation, commonly known as a joint. These joints may have various degree of allowed movement.

What is articulation?

articulation is a ambot2x lang

What do hip joints do?

The hip joint (iliofemoral joint) is a ball-and-socket joint that provides a wide range of movement. Its main purpose is to provide articulation for the femur bone.