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no minecraft wanted so get an ios device.

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Q: What is an auxiliary plus main verb?
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Related questions

Is can a main verb or auxiliary?

"Can" is considered a modal auxiliary verb in English. It is used to express ability, possibility, or permission, and is often used with another main verb to form a complete verb phrase.

What are the main verb and auxiliary verb in this sentence you had never met before?

Had is the auxiliary verb, and met is the main verb.

Is the word believe a main or auxiliary verb?

The verb 'believe' is a main verb, which may have an auxiliary verb. Examples: I believe that we've met before. (verb) You can believe what he tells you. (main verb with 'can' as the auxiliary verb)

Is were a main verb or an auxiliary verb?

"Was" is a main verb when it functions as the main focus of the sentence, indicating a state or action. However, as an auxiliary verb, "was" helps to form verb phrases to convey past actions or states.

Is were an auxiliary verb or a main verb?

WERE can be both an auxiliary verb and a main verb.WERE is the past simple form of the verb BE.Here are examples of the verb BE used as a main verb.e.g., Usually, they are happy.Yesterday, they were happy.An auxiliary verb is a helper; it helps the main verb in the sentence.Here are examples of the verb BE used as an auxiliary verb. The main verb is WORK.e.g., Usually, they are working when I phone.Yesterday, they were working when I phoned.I hope that helps.

What is an auxiliary verb?

An auxiliary verb (also known as a helping verb) is a verb used alongside the main verb in a sentence to create different verb tenses, moods, voices, or aspects. Examples of auxiliary verbs include "be," "have," and "do."

What does a verb consist of?

A verb consists of a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being in a sentence. It is a critical element for conveying meaning and is often conjugated to reflect different tenses, moods, and voices in a sentence.

What is the auxiliary verb?

***Auxiliary=Supplementary/Supporting.**Each Auxiliary Verb is followed by another Verb,known as the Main/Full Verb,in order to formQuestionsNegative statementsCompound tensePassive voice*Eg:He does not like Coffee[He=Pronoun;Does-Auxiliary Verb;Like=Full/Main Verb]-This is a negative sentence.

Is see a main verb?

Yes, see is a main verb. Examples: I see the car. I can see the car. (can is the auxiliary verb) You should see this movie. (should is the auxiliary verb)

A compound verb has a main verb and a supporting verb called what?

An auxiliary verb.

How do you using was correctly?

The word 'was' is the first and third person singular, past tense of the verb 'to be'. 'Was' can be used as the main verb or as an auxiliary (helper) verb. Examples:First person, main verb: I was hungry.First person, auxiliary verb: I was reading a book.Third person, main verb: It was four o'clock.Third person, auxiliary verb: He was eating his dinner.

Is the word can an auxiliary or main verb?
