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As new homicides are reported, the detectives are on a revolving schedule. A detective will be asigned a case, and the next case the next guy in line takes it. They are constantly rotating the cases. Once a detective begins an investigation they will work through it almost non-stop until it's solved. It really is true that if a murder is not solved within the first 24 to 48 hours, the odds drop considerably for a resolution. Sometimes they may catch a couple hours of sleep but the schedule can be intense. In the same way that doctors will work 36 hour shifts.

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The life expectancy for a homicide detective would be the same as for anyone else. This profession is not know to be responsible for an affect on a person's longevity.

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A homicide detective's pay varies widely depending what jurisdiction they serve or what agency employs them.

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A homicide detective's pay varies widely depending what jurisdiction they serve or what agency employs them.

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Yes. If a detective learns a strong suspect for a homicide has been arrested and is in custody in another state the detective may go to the jail where the suspect is incarcerated to interview them.

What does a homicide detective wear?

A suit- it is required attire.

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"Homicide" refers to a crime involving murder. Example : "The man committed homicide and was arrested and jailed."

Is a psychology degree useful for a homicide detective?

Yes it is, but a number of disciplines must be used by homicide detectives.

What type of gun does a Homicide Detective use?

Depends on what department the detective works for. There is no one gun.

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A homicide detective's pay varies widely depending what jurisdiction they serve or what agency employs them and how long they've been doing the job.