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The easiest way to control where pigeons go is to control their food source. If there is no food source, generally pigeons don't congregate. If it is already too late for this, the next alternative is to lay small short little spike stripes that prevent the pigeons from landing on any flat surface. This is commonly what is done in Europe in large populated areas.

Live traps seem to be the most effective humane way of controlling pigeons in urban environments. Using netting to exclude them from their nesting sites is also effective.

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Q: What is an effective but humane way of controlling the pigeon population?
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Related questions

What humane methods are there for pigeon population control?

There are a number of exterminator services who offer humane removal of animals and other pests from your property/home. Two such services that specialize in the removal of pidgeons are BirdBGone and Nixalite. If you need more information or are doing a report about the humane control of the pigeon population, you can learn more at the National Humane society.

Are there any safe, effective pigeon control products that can deter them from surrounding my home?

Yes, there are safe, effective pigeon control products that can deter them from surrounding your home. You can find a list at There are several humane options for ridding your property of piegons. I would suggest checking out

How might the limiting factors youchoose the pigeon population in your town?

water/ food will effect the pigeon population b/c the water and food is good for the pigeon

What is the pigeon population?


Humane methods of pigeon control?

Pigeons can be a significant pest in many areas. It can be difficult to remove pigeons, but there are various methods of pigeon control that do not require inhumane treatment. Rooftops are generally the most common nesting area for pigeons. Pigeons prefer to nest on top of the roof because it is flat. Modifying the grade of the roofs surface is an effective way to discourage pigeons from nesting there. Ultrasonic devices can be used effectively to control pigeon activity. The high-pitch sound is inaudible to the human ear but pigeons are scared by the sound.

How might the limiting factor you choose affect the pigeon population?

by good

Does mothballs keep pigeon away?

They will but there are more effective control measures for them such as addressing the areas where they roost.

we live in an apartment complex and there are 1000's of pigeons and their feathers and poop is everywhere and it is nasty!! How can we get rid of them?

Please call humane pigeon control at 1-888-488-7720

Is a pigeon a sign of death?

Of course not. Otherwise the entire population of the earth would be dead.

How do you prevent pigeons from defecating and building nests on your balcony?

This is a common question and unfortunately a common problem, especially for wildlife removal in Toronto.Pigeons are not only persistent birds but also, they are carriers for disease. Do not believe everything you read! First and foremost, a gigantic bird statue or scarecrow will not work. This is an ineffective method to control pigeons.Depending on the company (and where you live as local laws will dictate), you may either resolve this using humane, chemicals, or a combination of both. Try googling "pigeon spikes" and you will find some pictures of a humane way of controlling pigeons. This works quite well.

What should you do if you like a girl and you don't get along with that girls friends?

Approach the girl and separate her from her friends, usually through pigeon-holing and isolating, controlling behaviours.

How do you say pigeon in French?

potage de pigeon