

What is an efficient weight gain plan?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The best and most efficient way to gain weight would be gaining it in muscle. To do this, you need to participate in a workout that is designed to make you gain some muscle. You will also have to eat foods that are nutritional and help in the building of muscles. You will need high frequencies of exercise. If you do it right, you can gain about 1/2 lb of muscles per week.

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Remember, talk to a doctor before changing your diet drastically. The website, is an excellent resource about gaining weight, with helpful tips and a diet and exercise plan.

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I cant tell you because I don't see the workout plan but leave me a message and Ill tell you how to gain 100 pounds on your bench press in a month and a half it is possible and i have seen it done before.

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