

Are there any weight gain diets that work?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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12y ago

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Remember, talk to a doctor before changing your diet drastically. The website, is an excellent resource about gaining weight, with helpful tips and a diet and exercise plan.

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Q: Are there any weight gain diets that work?
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what diets have been proven to work?

It is important to note that any diet can work on some people, because they will change their eating and exercising habits in general as they attempt to lose weight through the diet. Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig diets have been shown (though not necessarily "proven") to help some lose weight.

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Liquid diets may work in the short run to rid the body of toxins, but this is not a long-term solution. Chances are high that any weight lost on a liquid diet will quickly be regained.

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yes i do weight gain

13 yrs old 5'10 142 lbs and want to burn fat and burn calories how and are there any diets to try?

Low carb diets will cause you to lose weight in the beginning but as soon as you stop you will gain it all back, high carb/high protein diets are the way to go (make sure the food you eat is also healthy) but remember you will not lose weight if you do no exercise

How successful are fad diets foe controlling weight over an extended period of time?

Studies show that weight gain and loss is based on how many calories you take in vs. the ones you use. Of course, you still want to have a nutritionally balanced diet over time. Most any calorie reducing diet and exercise will do the trick. Fad diets are very hard to maintain over a long period of time. Usually these diets come and go quickly because they do not work long time. It also depends on the person on the diet, if you are very dedicated, it may work for you.

Which types of diets are the healthiest?

Any diet that guarantees you will lose weight suspiciously fast is probably not a good diet to choose. While losing weight as fast as possible is tempting, it's not as healthy and it also makes you more likely to gain back the weight.

Does the cereal diet really work?

Cereal diets do not necessarily work. It depends upon the number of calories you consume in a day and the number of calories you burn. If you try the cereal diet and only consume 1500 calories, but burn 1,800 throughout the day, everyday, over time you will lose weight. However, if you consume more calories than you burn in a day, you will gain weight. There aren't any miracle foods or diets that will keep you slim with moderate serving sizes and exercise.

I want to gain 22 pounds and I'm drinking something called Muscle Milk. i know I'm supposed to work out but I'm not. Is it going to make me gain or lose weight?

You wont gain any muscle if you don't work out... you can gain some weight, most of it will be fat probably if you will gain anything at all.. Gym is best option, don't waste money on supplements if you don't work out...

Do diets really work?

Any diet can help you to lose weight long as you take in fewer calories than you burn. Extremely low calorie diets are not suggested for long periods of time due to adverse health consequences.

What are some diets that have been scientifically proven to work?

Here's the honest truth, almost any diet will work if you stick to it. Diets have get a bad rap because they are hard to maintain. weight watchers, the zone diet and the south beach diet are all great. you just have to commit.

Are there any diets out there gears toward health versus losing weight or exercising?

Just about any diet that is out there can be geared towards health. In fact, most diets are, they're just portrayed to help you lose weight so people are more apt to try them out over other diets.

Are there any "magic" weight loss cures that really work?

Simply put, no, there are no magic weight loss cures that work. Some magic diets might work temporarily because you are starving and dehydrating yourself, but no one can actually ever continue with this and lead healthy lives.