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Q: What is an elastic smooth layer that serve as protective structure of movable joint?
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smooth; protective outer structure

How is the structure of arterioles different from that of arteries?

The wall of the arterioles contain less elastic fibers but more smooth muscle cells than that of the aorta and arteries.

Is the smooth muscle elastic?

Yes of course! muscles wouldn't move if it weren't elastic...

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A bursa acts as a cushioning and lubricating structure that reduces friction and allows for smooth movement between bones. Having a bursa between movable bones helps to prevent wear and tear on the joint surfaces, decreasing the risk of pain, inflammation, and injury.

Do smooth muscles bring about movements by pulling on bones across movable joints?

No, skeletal muscles do, because smooth muscles deal with your internal organs.

What are the characteristics of elastic arteries?

The tunica interna of an elastic artery has subendothelial laminas of elastic fibres. Its tunica media has many fenestrated elastic membranes alternating with smooth muscle fibres. An elastic artery also has external elastic lamina. Its tunica externa is thin and contains vasa vasorum.

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Turn it in

What you should do if the face seal on the protective mask is not soft smooth and pliable?

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What is the structure and function of elastic arteries?

Elastic arteries are also known as conducting arteries because they carry large volumes of blood away from the heart. They are large vessels with diameters up to 2.5 cm (1 in.) (Figure 21-2). The pulmonary trunk and aorta, as well as their major branches (the pulmonary, common carotid, subclavian, and common iliac arteries), are elastic arteries. The walls of elastic arteries are extremely resilient because the tunica media contains a high density of elastic fibers and relatively few smooth muscle cells.