

What is an elliptical cross trainer?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

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An elliptical cross trainer is a type of exercise machine which you stand on and hold on to moveable handles. It is similar to a treadmill in as much as you can exercise as if walking, however there are also different kinds of workouts you can do so they are a little more versatile.

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What is the lowest priced nordictrack elliptical trainer I can purchase in the UK?

The lowest priced nordictrack elliptical trainer you can purchase is NordicTrack - E9 ZL Elliptical Cross Trainer

Would you recommend an elliptical cross trainer to improve overall fitness?

Yes , I highly recommend elliptical cross trainer to improve overall fitness since elliptical helps you improve leg strength and could give you good cardio workout.

Can you get much fitter by using elliptical cross trainer?

An elliptical cross trainer is one of many work out machines that will assist you in becoming more fit. If you choose to use the elliptical cross trainer, it is suggested that you use it for 30 minutes or more approximately 4 to 5 times a week. It will keep you fit as well as assist in keeping your weight under control.

what is an ellptical trainer how do i become one of them?

An elliptical trainer is not a job, such as a physical trainer. Rather, an elliptical trainer is a stationary exercise machine, also called a cross trainer, that helps you exercise your arms and legs using low-impact. It is called an elliptical trainer because the foot pedals move up and down in an elipse, or oval, pattern.

What exactly is an octane elliptical?

An octane elliptical is a type of cross trainer. Cross trainers are fitness equipment which work out all of the body by stretching both legs and arms simultaneously.

What is the best Life Fitness elliptical trainer?

The Life Fitness X3 Elliptical Cross Trainer is definitely a high quality elliptical to buy. It is a smooth workout and the machine is relatively quiet as to not disturb others. The average cost is around $1,500.00.

What is an elliptical trainer and should I use one before using an actual elliptical?

An elliptical trainer is essentially they same thing as an elliptical. The difference is found in price and size. An elliptical trainer is generally for smaller spaces such as homes or smaller gyms were as a full elliptical is bigger and more expensive. They offer they same benefits.

Does anyone know where I can order a ProForm elliptical trainer to a UK address?

You can order a ProForm elliptical trainer from

Is there a place I can sell my elliptical cross trainer for a good price in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area?

You can sell your elliptical trainer and any other exercise equipment you no longer need to 2nd Wind, which has retail outlets in Milwaukee. They specialize in selling used equipment like this.

Does this elliptical trainer have a cool down built in to the workout monitors?

This elliptical trainer has cool down built into the workout monitors.

Are there many elliptical trainer reviews?

Yes, there are lots and lots of elliptical trainer reviews. You can find most online on websites where elliptical trainers are sold. Customers will rate them.

What exactly does an elliptical cross trainer mean?

An elliptical cross trainer is a machine that allows you to exercise in the form of stair climbing, running, or walking by simulating that physical activity. The elliptical is not a high impact training machine and therefor, may be suitable for people who have injuries that prevent them from running.