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For the first 45 minutes its glycogen, then body fat for the next 45 minutes. If you train for more than 90 minutes you begin to burn muscle and fat.

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Q: What fuel(s) are the main energy source during short intense bursts of exercise?
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What is the type of exercise that intense physical activity that requires little oxygen but involves short bursts of energy?


Where do animals primarily store their extra energy?

The main store of energy is in the adipose tissue (body fat), with some also being stored in glycogen stores, for bursts of intense exercise.

What happens to your muscle cells during intense physical activity?

During intense physical activity, glycogen; which is energy stored in muscle cells, is used during intense muscle contractions.

How much energy can a human produce?

A human can typically produce up to about 100-200 watts of power during sustained exercise like cycling. However, bursts of power, such as in sprinting or weightlifting, can generate significantly higher levels of energy output.

What is Shorts bursts of exercise when body does not meet the oxygen demand called?

This type of exercise, during which the body's oxygen need exceeds the lungs' ability to replenish it is called anaerobic exercise -- literally, 'without air.' Exertion of longer duration, during which the body is able to sustain the energy output (and the lungs have the capacity to provide the necessary oxygen for a longer period of time) is known as aerobic exercise.

What happens to a muscle cell during intense physical activity?

During intense physical activity, glycogen; which is energy stored in muscle cells, is used during intense muscle contractions.

What does energy mean for kids?

Energy is the power you have to use during an exercise

What fuel does the body use for energy during exercise?

mechanical energy

Do you get nutrient and energy from exercising?

No. You get energy and nutrients by eating food. During exercise the energy is spent

How can you show you are releasing energy during respiration?

In Anaerobic exercise

What is a surge?

as in a surge of energy or power or short bursts of speed or energy.

What is Intensity slicing?

the amount of energy exercited during an activty or exercise