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MMR vaccine is for preventing measles, mumps and Rubella.

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Q: What is an example of a vaccine that works against more than one disease?
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What is pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine?

Pneumococcal polysaccharide disease is caused by a bacteria. It can be deadly but a vaccine was developed to head off the disease before it starts. The vaccine works when a small amount of the bacteria is injected into the patient and his or her immunity works against the disease, causing immunity.

Explain how an active vaccine works to protect the human body?

A vaccine works by producing antibodies to immunize the body against the virus that vaccine is intended to protect against.

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A vaccine produces its effects by?

A vaccine works by causing the body's immune system to create antibodies against itself. Ideally, the body has such a strong response to the vaccine that it creates memory B cells, which can turn themselves on if the animal is ever exposed to the disease and create a large number of antibodies very quickly.

What are the uses of the rubella vaccine?

Rubella virus vaccine is used to prevent rubella infection (German measles). It works by stimulating the body to produce antibodies to rubella. Rubella is a highly contagious disease that is caused by a virus. In children, the disease is usually mild with fever and a rash.

Does vaccine treat the symptoms of an infection?

There are a number of viral infections for which vaccines are available. Most viral infections, though, have no vaccine available.

What is a vaccine's booster shot?

Vaccines are weakened/disabled forms of the virus. You need to train your body to take care of the pathogen naturally. Sometimes this works best if exposed to small doses over a long period of time.A booster shot is simply another dose of the vaccine.

Why is vaccine a treated form of the disease?

A vaccine works on the principle of stimulating the host's innate immune system. As such, a weakened form of a bacteria/virus is introduced and the body's reaction to it allows it to then fend off any later exposure to the full-strength form.

Why does the level of antibodies in the blood increase when the first injection is given?

Vaccines encourage the body to build up immunity against disease organisms (viruses and bacteria). Vaccination works by stimulating the immune system (B cells, with assistance from T cells) to produce antibodies against the disease organism. It takes a few days before the vaccine can protect the body, but the antibody-producing cells impart an immunity that can last several years to a lifetime.

A disease where penicillin has been successful?

It actually works with many diseases unless if your body has a resistance against it

is there a covid-19 vaciene?

Yes. They have found a vaccine that works 90 percent.

How does immunisation work?

Immunisation works on a process when the body is injected with or swallows vaccine. Body produces an immune response. If a person comes in contact with a disease in future, body is able to make an immune response fast enough to prevent illness.