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Commensalism is when two animals work together unwittingly, to help each other survive. An example of this is the relationship between the lion and hyena. The lion makes a kill, eats what she wants, and leaves the rest for the hyena.

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14y ago

Many organisms coexist in the savanna, some have peaceful relationships, others do not. One example of two animals, or two species of animals helping each other to survive are lions and hyenas. In the savanna, lions are well known predators . Actually, lions are well known carnivores all across the globe. Female lions must stalk and kill their prey, but there is not always an abundance of food available . When there is, a group of lionesses will go out into the open areas to kill for their den or pack. After the unlucky zebra or wildebeast is killed then the males, and cubs of the pack join their females and they feast. When the lions have had their full, they then leave the dead animal carcass where they killed it and they return to their den. Meanwhile, as the lions are consuming as much as they can some hungry neighbors are watching close by. The nasty pack of hyenas lick their chops as the lions eat. When the kings and queens of the savanna leave, the hyenas pounce on whatever is left of the dead animal. Hyenas are scavengers, which mean that they eat remains of animals already killed by another. This lion-hyena relationship is one of the many examples of symbiosis in the African savanna. The lion kills, eats and leaves whatever is left for its neighbors.

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