

What is an example of epiphany?

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When you realize you are gay

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Q: What is an example of epiphany?
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Is there an example of epiphany in The Red Headed League?

Yes, there is an example of epiphany in The Red Headed League (as there is in almost all Sherlock Holmes stories out there). The moment when Sherlock realizes that he needs to find the object of the prank can be considered to be an epiphany.

Sojourners vision of God is an example of?

C. epiphany

Sojourner's vision of God is an example of a?

C epiphany

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word 'epiphany'?

Unless she had an epiphany before he was born, her son would be named Gavin.

Sojourners vision of God is an example of a?

Sojourner's vision of God is an example of an epiphany. help you cheat on tests. Multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank Qs will be trashed.

What part of speech is epiphany?

"Epiphany" is a noun.

Sometimes authors use characters to talk about something that has happened previously.This technique is an example?


what is the plural for epiphany?

The plural form for the noun epiphany is epiphanies.

How do you use the word epiphany in a sentence?

The young girl had a epiphany with her mother about the plans to go home.I have had an epiphany!

How do you use epiphany in a sentence?

Meaning "stunning discovery" or "breakthrough insight", the term "epiphany" often appears in passages that describe of artistic achievement or religious insight. One example sentence for its use would be the following: "After her epiphany on the voyage home from India, the young woman sold her car, her home, and most of her possessions, then set out to return to where she truly belonged."

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