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Good examples can be found in Chicago, Baltimore, Austin and Miami. I think Illinois District 4 has to be the most ridiculously shaped Congressional District. And this is only Congressional Districts; there are plenty of examples of gerrymandering for State Assembly and State Senate districts

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Packing or cracking; putting as many like minded voter in an area to sway an election or spreading out influential voters to stack an election.

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Why is gerrymandering done and who does it benefit?

Gerrymandering is done so that representatives can be guaranteed to be reelected. It benefits the representative of the district they are gerrymandering.

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I think you mean Gerrymandering and the definition is here

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The duration of Gerrymandering - film - is 1.35 hours.

When was Gerrymandering - film - created?

Gerrymandering - film - was created on 2010-10-15.

What are the pros and cons of gerrymandering?

Pros: Allows for political parties to gain an advantage by manipulating district boundaries. Can increase representation for minority groups in some cases. Cons: Undermines the principle of fair representation and distorts the democratic process. Can lead to polarization and lack of accountability among elected officials.

Drawing political boundaries to benefit a candidate or party is called?


Which term is defined as gerrymandering districts for the purpose of ensuring the minority representation?

Affirmative Racial Gerrymandering

What is it called when you draw voting district boundaries so as to purposely favor the party in power?

Redrawing voting district boundaries to favor a specific party is called gerrymandering. The word is a portmanteau (combination) Gerry (Massachusetts Governor Elbridge Gerry) and the word salamander, which his districts looked resembled.

Gerrymandering in a sentence?

Politicians won't prevent gerrymandering, because that's what put them in office in the first place.

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Drawing of political boundaries to benefit a party or candidate?

The process of drawing congressional district lines to favor a political party is called gerrymandering. The word comes from the combination of the name Gerry and the word salamander. Gerry was the governor of Massachusetts in 1812 when the congressional districts in his state were redrawn to favor his Democratic-Republican Party. One of the words was said to resemble a salamander.