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Red herring

Definition: Something that draws

attention away from the central


"I am qualified to be president because my husband is Bill Clinton." The fact that her husband is Bill Clinton has no logical connection whatsoever to her personal qualification to the presidency ... it is used to throw people off.

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13y ago
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4d ago

An example of a logical appeal is using statistics to support an argument. For instance, stating that "90% of customers prefer our product over competitors" presents a logical reasoning for why your product is superior based on data and facts.

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6y ago

A logical appeal is based on evidence and reasoning. If what you present at least seems to be well founded and logical, it will help you persuade other people that are logical.

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10y ago

If you don't help, who can they turn to?

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Which revising strategy is an example of ratiocintion or locical thinking?

An example of ratiocination or logical thinking in revising is carefully analyzing the structure and flow of your writing to ensure the ideas are presented in a clear and coherent manner. This involves identifying any logical inconsistencies, gaps in reasoning, or areas where the argument can be strengthened by using valid evidence or examples. By applying logical thinking to your revision process, you can improve the overall effectiveness and persuasiveness of your writing.

What are the four types of persuasive techniques?

The four types of persuasive techniques are ethos (appeal to ethics), pathos (appeal to emotion), logos (appeal to logic), and kairos (appeal to timing/relevance). These techniques are commonly used in communication to influence an audience's beliefs or actions.

What does logical malleability mean?

Logical malleability refers to the ability to modify or change the structure of logical statements or arguments without changing their underlying meaning or truth value. This concept is important in fields such as philosophy and computer science where precise and valid reasoning is necessary.

What is the reason kids today are doing poorly in schools is because of cell phones is an example of what type of logical fallacy?

This statement is an example of a hasty generalization fallacy, where a conclusion is drawn based on insufficient evidence. The implication that all kids perform poorly in school because of cell phones oversimplifies a complex issue and does not consider other factors that may contribute to academic performance.

What is deductive analysis?

Deductive analysis is a method of reasoning that involves making specific conclusions based on general principles or theories. It starts with a hypothesis and then tests it against available evidence in order to reach a logical conclusion. This approach is commonly used in mathematics, philosophy, and scientific research to establish relationships between ideas.

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What appeal should you use to show the logic of your argument?

You would use a logical appeal to show the logic of you argument. Logical Appeal is also called Logos. Logos has three parts - your claim, the evidence, and the warrant.

What is a sentence for logical appeal?

"Logical appeal" is open to a diversity of meanings; however, common equivalents are "rationally-based attraction" or "proclivity based on intellectual criteria". Thus, its use in a sentence may be demonstrated by the following: "Emotionally, she had a hard time accepting his advice, despite praising it for its logical appeal."

What is the logical appeal that humans are mammals?

because they both breathe

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Many remarks use logical arguments to appeal to reason. One such remark might be how studying hard in school will lead to a good career.

Was johnathan swift's Modest Proposal appeal-logical or emotional?


Which choice would help a logical appeal most?

Addressing the position.

What is the difference between emotional and logical appeal?

Emotional appeals have to do with your feelings. Logical appeals have to do with facts, references... stuff like that.

What should you do when using a logical appeal in an argument?

use facts to prove your point

What part of speech is appeal?

It is a verb. Example: You appeal to me. The present participle, appealing, can be used as an adjective. Example: that appealing man. Appeal is also a noun. Example: That show has lost its appeal.

What type of theoretical appeal is the writer of an argumentative essay using when he cites many statistics and specific examples to support a thesis?

Logical Appeal

To create a fully satisfactory logical appeal it's often necessary to?

address the opposition.