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I know that crab grass and weeds are examples of secondary succession.

FIRE!!!! is another example

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Q: What is an example of secondary succession using plants and animals?
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What is secondary succession in a desert?

the plants and animals

How does a ecosystem transition from primary succession to secondary succession?

Secondary succesion is the succession that occurs after the initial succession has been disrupted, and some plants and animals still exist. It is usually faster than primary succession.

What types of plants are evident as secondary succession begins?

fat plants.

Is a pond a primary or secondary succession?

The grass and small plants come first, then more plants, then larger plants like trees, next come large animals until you finally have a complete ecosystem.

What is the difference between primary and secondary succesion?

the difference between primary and secondary succession is that primary succession is the wipeout of something and then secondary succession is the regrowth.

What is the difference between primary and secondary sucession?

Primary succession is when living things colonize an area where there were no living things to begin with. For example, after a glacier moves away. Secondary succession is the regeneration of a place that did have colonization. For example, after a forest is cut down.

Why does primary succession take longer that secondary succession?

Soil nutrients remain in the area which enables plants to grow.

Which plants are usually first to grow during secondary succession?

It is crab grass.

Is a tornado primary or secondary succession?

A tornado results in secondary succession. The plants on the surface are destroyed, but buried seeds generally stay in place and the soil remains mostly intact.

Is primary succession faster than secondary succession?

Secondary succession is faster than primary succession because soil is already there and the soil usually contains many seeds.

Which plants are usually the first to grow during secondary succession?

It is crab grass.

What are secondary and primary consumers?

Primary consumers feed on producers (plants) and secondary consumers feed on primary consumers. For example, rabbits are primary consumers because they feed on vegetation. Foxes are secondary consumers because they feed on rabbits.