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Blue eyes, green eyes, hazel eyes, grey eyes, colorblindedness, light red hair, no dimples, nearsightedness, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, straight hair, blonde hair, attactched earlobes, no freckles, thin lips, baldness, normal hairline, normal digits, normal number of digits, hemophilia, ALBINISM, and deaf mutism.

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Eino Rolfson

Lvl 13
2y ago
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13y ago

I'm assuming you mean recessive traits in humans?

For a start, red, blonde, and the "lighter" hair colours.

Blue, green, grey and the rarer violet (so, again, lighter) coloured eyes.

Albinism is another.

Generally, physical traits to do with colouring will be recessive if they are lighter, However co-dominance can occur! (eg. a woman with black hair and a man with a long family history of blonde and light brown hair can have a medium brown haired child- I'm an example of this :) )

Another is the hitch-hiker's thumb. (where the thumb curves outwards at almost a right angle)

For anything else you might be looking for, Google searches will yield many more results than posting here!

Hope this helps!

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14y ago

Question: what are some examples of Recessive Heredity ?

Answer: An example is Albright hereditaryosteodystrophy, which brings with it .... as
being caused by Mendelian factors (dominant or recessive) of heredity. ...

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12y ago

Recessive traits are the complete opposite of dominant traits as in what another person has like one parent has brown eyes one has green. What would the offspring have?

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14y ago

sickle cell, citric fibrosis, Tay Schac's disease

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12y ago

Cystic Fibrosis and Spinal Muscular Atrophy are examples of autosomal recessive disorders.

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11y ago
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11y ago

Cystic Fibrosis i think

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If a genetic disorder is carried on a recessive gene, offspring will only have the disorder if both parents have the recessive gene.

A example of a homosygous genetic disorder?

Cystic Fibrosis is a recessive homozygous genetic disease

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What sex link is a recessive disorder?

Muscular dystrophy is a sex-linked recessive disorder.

What does recessive disorder mean?

Recessive allele disorders are just as they sound - they are disorders that are a result of a prevalent recessive allele in one's genetic makeup. A recessive allele disorder will rarely occur since it is dependent on the crossing of two heterozygous parent cells, but it can lead to interesting consequences. An example of a recessive allele disorder is hemophilia - the body's inability to clot blood - and it has affected much of the European royalty in history, such as Queen Victoria of Great Britain.

How can one have a somatic behavior?

Somatoform disorder is a disorder that makes people perceive pain as if they have a physical injury or illness, thus resulting in a somatic behavior.

Many inherited disorders of humans appear in children of parents who do not have the disorder how can you explain that the parents do not have the disorder but the child does?

The disorder is controlled by a recessive factor.

Which of these is in autosomal recessive disorder?

You did not list a "these" to chose from.

Are alleles recessive?

Alleles can be either dominant or recessive. They can be identical or different for any given gene in a somatic cell, and can represent alternative forms of a gene.

What does recessive allele disorders mean?

Recessive allele disorders are genetic disorders caused by inheriting two copies of a defective recessive gene, one from each parent. In these disorders, a person needs to inherit two copies of the defective allele to exhibit symptoms. Carriers of the defective gene usually do not show symptoms of the disorder.

What is the probability that each child born to two carriers of a recessive disorder allele will have the disorder?

The child will have the disorder, only if the recessive allele from both the parents is transferred to the child. Therefore, the probability is 1/4.

Is aspergers a dominant or a recessive?

No. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder