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Perhaps someone screaming into your ear.

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Q: What is an example of stimulus and response that involves your sense of hearing?
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What is the reaction to a stimulus by a muscle or gland called?

A stimulus can be internal or external. An example of an internal stimulus is feeling hunger or feeling the need to urinate. An example of an external stimulus is hearing a loud noise or touching a hot object.A response is what you to voluntarily or involuntarily in response. Your response to hunger is to eat. Your response to touching a hot object is to jerk you hand away reflexively.

What is the response to the conditioned stimulus that occurs after the pairing of a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus?

You will get a conditioned response. Since i know that this topic can be complicated i'll try and make it a little easier to understand. An unconditioned stimulus is one that occurs naturally without any kind of training. As an example, look at the innate fears that we have due to evolution. Certain animals, bitter tastes elicit a response (such as running away or spitting out the bitter food). This is the unconditioned response. Another example is the eye blink response. When a puff of air hits your eye, you automatically blink. Now say for example when the puff of air hits your eye, a bell rings (a conditioned stimulus) and you blink. After this connection between the puff of air, the bell and eye blink has been learned, the bell ringing itself will cause you to blink in absence of the air puff. This is the conditioned response as naturally, hearing a bell ring, does not make you blink.

What is the relationship between a physical stimulus and the kinds of sensory responses that result from it?

There are five main senses that people experience: sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. Each sense is associated with different physical stimuli. For example, the sense of sight is associated with light waves, the sense of smell is associated with volatile molecules, the sense of taste is associated with dissolved molecules, the sense of touch is associated with pressure or temperature changes, and the sense of hearing is associated with sound waves. The relationship between a physical stimulus and the resulting sensory response is that the physical stimulus is converted into a neural signal by the sense organ, and then this neural signal is interpreted by the brain to produce the sensory response. The specific response depends on which sense is involved and what the physical stimulus is.

What is the stimulus for sense of hearing?


What hearing test involves both eyes?

Non, a hearing test involves EARS not eyes.

How are the strongest associations between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus formed?

The strongest associations between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus are formed through repeated pairings of the two stimuli. When the conditioned stimulus reliably predicts the unconditioned stimulus, learning occurs through classical conditioning. The more consistent and closely timed the pairings, the stronger the association becomes.

How are stimulus converted into a sensation?

sense organ

What is the difference between hearing and listening explain with examples?

Hearing is the passive act of perceiving sound, while listening involves actively focusing on and interpreting what is being said. For example, hearing a car horn honking while walking down the street is a passive act, whereas actively listening to a friend sharing their feelings involves focused attention and understanding of their words.

What is leo's response to hearing about his crime?

stalking stargirl

What are classical conditioning principles?

Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which a neutral stimulus comes to elicit a reflexive response through association with a stimulus that already produces the response. The principles include the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), unconditioned response (UCR), conditioned stimulus (CS), and conditioned response (CR). Classical conditioning was famously demonstrated by Pavlov with his experiments involving dogs and salivation.

Can a spouse refuse mediation?

Your spouse must file a Response to your application and then serve the Response on you before the hearing date. If a response has been filed both of you must attend the hearing. If a Response is filed, the Court might not grant the divorce application at the first hearing. But if you have been separated for more than 12 months, there are usually no grounds to oppose a divorce.

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