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homozygous first filial organism,which can undergo mutation or which may be cross-linked or made to breed with other.

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Homozygous dominant

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Q: What is an individual who has the genotype DD called?
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What is the genotype of individual who is heterozygous for dimples?

Dd is the heterozygous genotype for dimples.

The genetic makeup of an individual is called the?


In a punnet square where the mothers genotype is Dd and the fathers genotype is dd does the mother or the father have dimples?

The mothers will because the father is the dominant.

What are an individual's observable traits called?

genotype or phenotype

What genotype is Dd?

Phenotype is the observed trait. The dominant trait in this case is observed- D

What is the genetic makeup of an individual?

Genetic make up of an organism is called its genotype

What is the procedure in witch an individual of unknown genotype is crossed with a homozygous recessive individual to determine the genotype of the unknown individual is called?

this procedure is generally called a test cross and is used in the agricultural and pet industries lots.

What is the genotype for 'dwarfism'?

There are many types of dwarfism. If D is the autosomal dominant gene for acondroplasia a Dd heterozyote will be an acondroplastic dwarf. The homozygous DD individual dies shortly after birth due to considerable skeletal anomalies.

An AABbccDdEeFF individual is crossed with an individual with the genotype AaBBCCDdEeff what is the probability that their offspring will have the genotype AaBBCcddEEFf?

Cross each allele separately to get the final genotype: AA x Aa = AA, aa, Aa, Aa .: 1/2 Bb x BB = BB, BB, Bb, Bb .: 1/2 cc x CC = Cc .: 1 Dd x dd = DD, dd, Dd, Dd .: 1/2 Ee x Ee = EE, Ee, Ee, ee .: 1/4 FF x ff = Ff, Ff, Ff, Ff .: 1 Multiply all probable fractions: 1/2 x 1/2 x 1 x 1/2 x 1/4 x 1 = 1/64 chance of that specific genotype.

What is the genotype of a man if he has a dimple and his wife and son has no dimple?


In a dihybrid cross between individual with the genotype RRYYand an individual with the genotype rryy all of the offspring with have the genotype?


What is the appearance of an individual called. while the genetic make up is the genotype?
