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An offensive argument is one that is likely to cause harm, disrespect, or provoke strong negative emotions in the recipient. This can include personal attacks, discriminatory language, or targeting sensitive topics without sensitivity or consideration.

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How do people often speak in an argument?

Unfortunately people often speak in an insulting way when they get into an argument with someone. A personal attachment to the subject leads to an emotionally charged conversation, resulting in shouting and offensive reactions.

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A counter argument is an argument made against another argument.

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Passing an argument by value means that the method that receives the argument can not change the value of the argument. Passing an argument by reference means that the method that receives the argument can change the value of the incoming argument, and the argument may be changed in the orignal calling method.

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Deductive arguments are more common than inductive arguments. Deductive reasoning begins with a general statement and applies it to a specific case, leading to a certain conclusion. Inductive reasoning begins with specific observations and generates a general hypothesis.

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What is an informal argument?

an argument with information

What if an argument does not commit a fallacy?

If an argument does not commit a fallacy, it means that the reasoning provided supports the conclusion without any logical errors. This indicates that the argument is valid and that the premises lead to a justifiable conclusion. It also suggests that the argument is logically sound and can be considered a strong or persuasive piece of reasoning.

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An argument is inductive when it is based on probability, such as statistics. In an inductive argument, if the premises are true, the conclusion is probably true.

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Evidence to support the argument is needed for a sound argument.

What is the structure of argument between an atheist and a believer?

There is no structure of argument. It is important to understand that belief is the unquestioning acceptance of something in the absence of proof. How can anyone then argue with someone else who doesn't make that leap of faith? Believers feel so defensive when they encounter an atheist that they immediately go on the offensive. If one person believes that trees have souls and stand guard over the village during the night and someone does not believe it, there is no structure in which to form a worthwhile argument.