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a pickup and a truck are the same thing hence the term pickup truck

a pickup can be a truck but a truck doesn't have to be a pickup.

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Q: What is an opinion about trucks?
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Why are trucks easyer to to drive?

lol that's an opinion

Why are venture trucks so bad?

Venture trucks are a type of truck on a skateboard, that hold on the wheels. Venture trucks are not necessarily bad, this is simply an opinion.

Are Gullwing brand trucks good?

Gullwing trucks, in my opinion, are some of the best trucks out there. They're made of sturdy, long-lasting and lightweight material. They are also one of the most trusted names in skateboarding and have been around for decades.

Which are the most reliable types of used pickup trucks?

Ford is the best in my opinion. Nissan does get high reviews though.

What is the best brand of small pickup trucks?

The best brand of pickup truck is really a matter of opinion. However, Ford, Dodge, Chevrolet, and GMC trucks seem to be the top brands according to publications such as Auto Trader.

What are some good jobs that involve trucks?

The best job involving trucks in my opinion are truck drivers. Sometimes they have stickers on the back of trucks that have job advertisments on them. A website I found was it has a link for applying for a truck driver job with them. You could also get a job doing maintenence on trucks but I believe most of those jobs require some kind of schooling.

Is the Ford F-150 the best truck?

Personal opinion. On paper, yes, Ford produces the best trucks, but everyone has an opinion, unfortunately. I say "unfortunatley" because I love Fords, and I won't ever buy anything else.

What kind of trucks can be rented from Ryder Truck Rental?

Any kind of trucks. Big trucks, small trucks, cool trucks, hot trucks, awesome trucks, bad trucks, and best of all monster trucks. Glad to be of assistance to you.

What is your opinion on the Chevy Silverado?

I really like Chevy Silverado trucks. I live out in the country and I see a lot of Chevy's. Some people use them to pull their horse trailers.

Does Fisher Price have the sturdiest toy dump trucks for kids to play with?

Fisher Price toys are very sturdy. The term sturdiest may be a matter of opinion, however.

When doing a search for trucks, what are the most important factors to consider?

Price, reputation of manufacturer, length of warranty, and fuel economy are the most important factors to consider, in my opinion.

Group of trucks?

A fleet of trucks. Or if the trucks are on the move, it is a convoy