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Lactic Acid. when too much accumulates, your muscles become sore.

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Q: What is an organic substance produced when a muscle is generating energy in the absence of oxygen?
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Is charcoal an organic material?

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Is charcoal a substance?

yes charcoal is simply carbon. Though other impurities may be present.

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No, Fe0 is not organic. Fe0 refers to metallic iron in its elemental form, which is an inorganic substance. Organic compounds typically contain carbon and hydrogen bonded together.

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Because it's a carbon based compound.

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Charcoal is not a metal or a nonmetal. It is a form of carbon that is produced by heating organic materials in the absence of oxygen.

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Another name for hay gas is methane. It is produced when organic matter such as hay decomposes in the absence of oxygen.

Is an enzyme an organic substance?

Yes, an enzyme is an organic substance, because it is a protein, and all proteins contain carbon, which is the definition of an organic substance.

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Is wax organic?

Yes, wax is organic as it is a natural substance derived from plants or animals. Beeswax, for example, is a common type of wax produced by honeybees.