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A condom is an sperm barrier used with a spermicide.

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Q: What is an over-the-counter sperm barrier that is used with spermicide?
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What is an over the counter sperm barrier that is used with spermicide?


Does the Vagina kill the sperm?

No, Monistat will not kill sperm and should not be used as a spermicide. This medication is used to treat infections caused by fungus.

Can vinegar be used as a spermicide?

Yes, acid is deadly to sperm. However think of the way it smells.

What is the white stuff on a condom when they have not been used?

That's most likely spermicide. Spermicide kills any sperm cells if they escape from the condom. Basically, the "white stuff" is extra protection.

How do you use spermicides?

Spermicide is most effective when used with a barrier method of birth control, like male and female condoms, cervical cap or diaphragm - used correctly spermicide with a condom or other barrier is between 90% and 95% effective. When used alone, spermicide jelly, foam, sheet or suppository needs to be placed high in the vagina, against the cervix and you must add fresh spermicide each time you have vaginal intercourse - it is 70% to 85% effective in preventing pregnancy. Each type of spermicide is used in a slightly different way. Be sure to read the instructions that are included in the box.

What is the function of spermicides?

Spermicides are a type of contraceptive that contain chemicals designed to immobilize or kill sperm, preventing them from reaching and fertilizing an egg. They are typically used in conjunction with barrier methods such as condoms or diaphragms to enhance their effectiveness. Spermicides are available in various forms, including gels, foams, creams, and suppositories.

Where do you get this method spermicidal?

Spermicide is available at pharmacies, grocery stores, and discount stores without a prescription. Used alone, it has a high rate of accidental pregnancy. If you use spermicide, it makes sense to use a condom or some other barrier method as well.

Can Olive Oil be used as a spermicide?

It would not be an effective spermicide. However, it would probably be an interesting lubricant.

Can dead sperm be used to get pregnant?

No. But a more important question is: How do you know they are dead? The commonly available spermicide Nonoxynol-9 is a very effective way of assuring this outcome.

What is the prevention of an egg by a sperm?

Many methods can used for the purpose like tabal ligation wherein fallopian tube is cut-off so that sperm cannot fuse with egg.other methos are the use intrauterine device ex-Copper-T use of condoms also serves the purpose.

If the condom broke could you be pregnant it was on the last day of my ovulation?

Spermicide is ineffective when used alone, so yes, you could be pregnant. If the male finished ejaculating completley, or hadn't ejaculated at all, the chances are much lower that you are pregnant, because the spermicide would have killed the sperm, but sometimes males emit a substance containing sperm both before or after ejaculaion, which means you could be at risk for pregnancy. Anyways, in most cases, the spermicide probebley would not kill all the sperm if the condom broke, so it would be a good idea to get a pregnancy test or consultation with your gynacologist.

How the diaphragm work?

the diaphragm works as any other skeletal muscle, its contraction leads to the increase of the thoracic cavity hence reducing the pressure in the thoracic cavity making air to fill the lungs