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Q: What is an unimportant source of fiber in a diet?
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What is cellulose important in the diet as a source of?

cellulose important in the diet as a source of needed fiber

How do you have a high fiber diet?

A diet incorporating more fiber is a very healthy plan. Fruits, such as bananas, apples and berries are a good source of fiber. Beans, whole grain cereals and bread, and nuts all will provide good sources of fiber for your diet.

Is there really a difference in a fiber rich diet compared to so many others out there today?

Yes. Eating a fiber rich diet is extremely helpful to your digestive system and keeping you regular. Also a fiber rich diet is a great source of energy.

Why should potatoes be eaten as a balanced diet?

They provide a great source of fiber for the body.

Why cellulose has no nutritional value?

Cellulose does have nutritional value. It is a major source of the needed fiber in our diet.

What are the best foods for a high fiber diet?

To increase your daily fiber intake, incorporate fruits, legumes, nuts and whole grains into your diet. Apples, bananas, black beans, green leafy spinach and whole wheat bread will provide a good source of fiber daily.

What is important in diet but not a source of fuel for the body?

Dietary fiber and "roughage", which is fibrous vegetables like celery, lettuce and carrots.

I'd like to include the highest fiber foods in my diet - which ones can you suggest?

A source of fiber for a high fiber diet is fruits. Mangoes, apples, raisins, and strawberries are all rich in fiber and can easily be eaten as a snack throughout the day. For your meals, certain beans can be added to spice them up. Navy, kidney, pinto, and lentil beans are all rich in fiber and delicious.

How do you include more fiber in your diet?

To include more fiber into your diet mostly all you have to do is get and eat food with the highest amount of fiber.

Where can I find a diet that is high in fiber? is a great website for your needs. It is very thorough and has a great list of high-fiber foods. +If that website is not for you try

Does the low fiber diet work very well?

A low fiber diet doesn't work very well for everybody. People with certain medical issues may find a low fiber diet useful but the majority of the human population does not require a low fiber diet. As you need fiber to clean out your digestive systems, it is the best choice to keep on your diet and include extra fiber in there so as to get rid of all the waste from the diet.

Is vegetables a good source of fiber?

No. Try avacados for an oily source of fiber.