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dowagers hump does not appear in horses. they can however be 'roach backed'. Where the back is a bit raised and uncomfortable. This is typically a training or conformational defect.

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Q: What is and what causes dowagers hump in horses?
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What is a dowagers hump?

A dowagers hump is a curvature at the base of the neck that develops in older people causing their head to move forward and preventing them from looking up.

Why is it called dowagers hump?

A dowager is a woman of advanced age and may have a tendency to hunch her shoulders thus giving her an appearance she has a bit of a hump.

Does having a dowagers hump mean you have osteoporosis?

It is not conclusive, irrefutable proof but, most would accept that the presence of a dowager's hump it is a very strong indication that you are osteoporotic.

How can remedial therapy help someone with dowagers hump?

Remedial massage therapy may help improve the quality of life for someone with Dowager's hump. It will not correct the problem, especially if it has progressed to a severe degree. What massage can do is help the muscles associated with their posture and make them more comfortable and relieve some of the discomfort and pain associated with it.

Hump on upper back?

Kysphosis, commonly known as dowagers hump, is related with osteoporosis. Its the thinning of the bones. It can be hereditary. Weak areas compress through the back, causing pain. Though, it could be other things, like a fatty hump, or worst comes to worst, a toomer. You might want to get it checked. If it is a toomer, keep in mind that toomers are cancerous, and, well, that's not very good. Best of health mate.

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What is an increased posterior curve in the thoracic?

It would suggest that the spine running through the chest area(Thoracic region) has increased is curve giving possibly due to Arthritic condition or other problem I think this was common in elderly women and was called a dowagers hump.

Why is there fat inside a camels hump?

because if they had no fat in camels humps they would not have humps and then they would be horses.

What causes the hump in the back of the frog?

How their vertebral column bends in certain positions.

What kind of doctors treats a hump in the back?

You need to see an endocrinologist. You probably have excess cosrtisol in your blood. Moonface usually accompanies buffalo hump. This is called cushings syndrome

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Horses dont eat each other they are vegetarians

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