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Q: What is another name for a heavenly body that orbits a planet the answer has nine letters and starts with an s?
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A heavenly body that orbits a planet?


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What planet orbits another star?

the answer corret is : Extrasolar Planet by : Arisleydi Soca :)

What planet that orbits another star?

the answer corret is : Extrasolar Planet by : Arisleydi Soca :)

Why are Saturn's moons not planets?

A moon is an object that orbits a planet. A planet cannot orbit another planet.

When do you call a planet planet?

A planet is called a planet when it meets the following criteria: it orbits around a star, it is spherical in shape, and it has cleared its orbit of other debris. This definition was established by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 2006.

Does a dwarf planet orbit another planet?

No. A planet-like object that orbits a planet is a moon. A dwarf planet orbits a star just like a true planet does, but has been unable to clear its orbital path of debris such as asteroids and comets.

Does mars have an another planet orbiting it?

No. For one thing, a planet-like object that orbits a planet is a moon, not a planet. Mars does have two moons but they are captured asteroids, and would not be considered planets if the had their own orbits around the sun.

Why is a moon not a planet?

A planet orbits a star such as the sun. A moon orbits a planet.

What is another word for out of this world?

On another planet! Spaced out Stellar Beyond Ethereal Heavenly Other-worldly

Is Mercury a star?

No. The definition of a star is "any of the large, self-luminous, heavenly bodies, as the sun, Polaris, etc." Mercury is a planet that orbits a star - our sun.

Is there another planet beyond Uranus?

Yes. Neptune orbits beyond Uranus.